View Full Version : New here & looking for some help..

07-08-13, 13:30
Hi everyone!

I'm just gonna dive in cos my head is a mess.
I was at the doctors 2 days ago where he prescribed me 20mg of fluoxetine. I'm yet to take one because I'm not actually sure if I'm depressed or not.. That's where you guys come in hopefully.

My feelings are backwards, the little things that go wrong can easily reduce me to floods of tears while the big, life changing things, barely touch me. For example, the last thing I cried about was waking up late for my kids, they'd been awake a good half hour before I was. Yet, my husband walking out and leaving us, for good, has aroused very little feelings.

Part of the reason for my marriage breakdown is my anger, I'm never sure why I'm angry and little things set me off, it's frustrating on its own not knowing why your about to throw shit out the window LOL.

I've not ears many people describing depression like this, if at all.. Does it sound like depression to you? Should I take the Prozac?

It's nice to have somewhere to post this so ty in advance!!

07-08-13, 13:37
What did your doctor say? Did he think you were depressed?

07-08-13, 13:48
Yes he did but he was also a very lousy doctor

Mr. Pink Whistle
07-08-13, 14:04
Is this your first visit to a psychiatrist? I would suggest a complete psychological assessment done before you start any med, however fluoxetine is not a sticky medication and you can safely take it for a little while, just to calm you down and make you feel better till you have a good assessment. The psychologist would be able to put down on paper your real diagnosis, then you would know if you really need psychiatric medication or just therapy from the psychologist instead or/ and perhaps CBT.
Pink Whistle

07-08-13, 14:39
This was just a visit to my GP. I asked for some counselling and he gave me meds and a list of self help groups.. I'm not a "group" person so that's not even a consideration.. I was looking for some therapy as I know there is A LOT that I haven't dealt with over the years, and I walked out with pills ?

08-08-13, 12:48
Ashie. Your tale sounds very much like mine. 10 years ago my husband left me and my two little boys, did I get depressed, nope! I think I knew deep down that things between us were not right for a while. I survived a divorce unscathed by depression. This is why I don't understand why I get upset at tiny little things that appear to be a mountain/disaster. Personally, I see this as a warning sign that depression is on it's way and it's always best to attack it it before it attacks you. It certainly sounds like you have some degree of depression. I've had depression on and off from the age of 17 - I'm now 45, so I can spot the symptoms in myself (and sometimes others). It's good that you have recognised something isn't right. 20mg of Fluoxetine is minimal, and very effective. So don't rule it out.

Hope you feel better soon. Remember, you're going through a major life change and a little help to keep your head above water is no bad thing. Anti Depressants DO work.

Good luck huni!