View Full Version : guilty

18-10-06, 10:14
hi everyone this anxiety is ruling my life .ifeel really bad today because yesterday i was supposed to have gone with my family to scatter my late nans ashes .but guess what anxiety had different ideas so today im feeling really guilty for not going and am all over the place.my anxiety symptoms have spiraled today i feel so bad for not going .i just want to be normal and do normal things apple xxxx

18-10-06, 14:31
Don't feel bad, i'm sure your nan would have understood how you felt and wouldn't have wanted you to suffer anymore. I've got a funeral on Friday which i'm dreading going to, just the thought of being stuck in a church with loads of people is bringing me out in a sweat.

18-10-06, 14:36
hi apple, i know how you must be feeling but listen your nan would understand and will see for herself that you tried your best and it wasnt your fault and wouldnt want you to be feeling guilty.i lost my dad a few years ago and i know hes watching and understands when i cant do something,and i am sure its the same with your nan.take care tracy

18-10-06, 14:44
Hi apple,try not to feel guilty,your nan would have understood.I couldnt attend a friends wedding reception,because of this horrid illness.
you take care pet.

Ellen XX

18-10-06, 15:24
Hey apple,

Maybe when you're having a good day, you could visit the area? Maybe just sit for a while and talk to your nan either in thought or out loud?

Just because you didn't go when the ashes were scattered, doesn't mean you can't visit!

Don't feel bad,

Mo x

Never play leapfrog with a unicorn......

19-10-06, 12:34
Yes I cant really add anything to the great advice you have already been given. Your thoughts were with your nan and just because you werent physically there doesnt take anything away from how you felt about her.