View Full Version : New person here with panic attacks

07-08-13, 13:47
Hello Everbody,

I am new on here and was hoping to speak to people that actually know where I am coming from with the feeling of panic attacks and that actually understand me.

I have been on Celexa 20 mg, for years and have recently had a hard obstacle in my life that caused my panic to come back and at full force.. Been in and out of the emergency room all last month suffering with no where to turn to with this anxiety, as my GP was on vacation and I just wanted a professional to speak to.

They increased my Celexa to 30mg and gave me Ativan to take 2x's a day in the mean time while the new dose kicks in,, I"m on the third week i was realaxed with the ativan up until now and feeling anxious again. Not sure if it's because I built a tolerance to the ativan already as I have been on chlonanzapam for weeks before the increase of celexa and the switch to ativan. does anybody know how long it will take before I feel the full effect of the 30mg of Celexa?! so tired of feeling this way, I think my whole summer has been lost to anxiety and panic. :(

would love to talk to people that actually know where I am coming from..

Thanks guys,
