View Full Version : Why do I always find a new worry?

18-10-06, 10:22
Been posting how I've been worried about my mom's symptoms. Well yesterday she had her ultrasound and all was ok. I felt so relieved! But it was so short-lived. Dr wants more testing (a colonoscopy this time) and I couldn't stop myself from googling and now am freaking about colon cancer! Whey does it always have to be cancer? I'm still taking my meds but I'm going to have to talk to my dr. soon because I don't feel any better and its been a full 3 weeks now.
Anyone know anyting about colon cancer? Only symptom she has is lower left abdominal pain....

18-10-06, 14:24
I've had a sigmoidoscopy, which is like a colonoscopy but only looks at part of the bowel. Mine was for left sided abdominal pain and change in bowel habit. I also had some bloods done and all tests came back ok - therefore they tell me it is IBS.

Please try to remember that tests are done to rule things out, not necessarily to diagnose. By having a full range of tests, they should be able to rule out anything nasty. Sounds like your mum is having a very thorough check!!!

I have a huge fear of cancer too, and it's just always there, in your face, there's always someone in the papers or on the news or amongst friends that has been newly diagnosed. My nurse friend tells me that cancer isn't always the death sentence I think it is, that there are loads of people who survive it and live long, normal, happy lives. But I just seem to have this HUGE fear and panic about it.

Hope this helps.

18-10-06, 14:55
Hi there you really need to stop googling,there are so many illnesses with similar symptoms so its really difficult to find out whats wrong.you will just make your self very ill.Like ckirby said tests are to rule things out,us anxious people just always think the worse.
you take care.

Ellen XX