View Full Version : Head pain, ear ringing, different sized pupils

vy canis majoris
07-08-13, 17:51
Hi everyone, I would just like to ask a few questions about my symptoms.

So here it goes -
I have had my headache for just over 3 months almost on a daily basis. The pain in my head around 90% of the time is at the back of my head on the right side, the pain is like a pulsing/burning pain. So two months ago I decided to go to the doctors about my problem headache. She asked me a few questions like where the pain was sore etc, then she took my blood pressure and checked my pupils, everything was fine. I was given Ibuprofen 400mg tablets, which helped the headache for 2-3 hours per tablet but the pain always came back. After a week of using Ibuprofen I thought it was best to stop taking them because I didn't want to get rebound headaches.

A few weeks after I went to the doctors I then thought it would be best to get an eye exam incase the headache was an indiction I needed glasses. I told the person that was examing my eyes that I've been getting a lot of headaches at the back of my head. I got my eye test and again everything was fine, she couldn't see any abnormalities.

A fortnight after I had the eye exam, one night I looked in the mirror I noticed that my pupils were a different size, my right pupil was much bigger than my left, this really scared me. I thought it would be best to go on google to see what different sized pupils mean with a headache and the stuff that came up completly freaked me out! I check every night now and my right pupil is always bigger than my left.

Almost three weeks ago I went to see my doctor again about my headache, I told her the Ibuprofen didn't work, I had different sized pupils, ringing in my ears and some dizziness whenever I stand up. Again she checked my blood pressure and checked my pupils. Bloodpressure was normal and both pupils responded to light. After these checks I was told I had a chronic tension-type headache and was given Amitriptyline 10mg after 1 week I move up to 20mg. I have been on the Amitriptyline for 2 and a half weeks. I still get the pain at the back of my head (mostly at night now) and my pupils are still different size.

I'm a 23 year old male that has had headaches in the past but they have never lasted as long as this one. What I would like to know is if anyone from this site has the same symptoms as me. And how could she diagnose me without doing any sort of tests such as blood tests, MRI, CT scans etc. After checking up google (bad move) I now think I have something serious such as a brain tumor. Any messages from others who have had this problem would be much appreciated.

07-08-13, 21:18
Hi please do not panic, but i think your symptoms require further investigation, headaches are no fun and there has to be a reason for them, the pupil issue, ear ringing, dizziness i would push for an mri scan, that way you will know whether it is a worry or not feel free to message me blessings

vy canis majoris
08-08-13, 12:48
Hi Aggiecuttler, thanks for taking the time to reply. I find myself noticing things like being dizzy when I start thinking about things such as if my different sized pupils and ear ringing could be related to something sinister. I have also told my doctor about these concerns, she told me that my different sized pupils were nothing to worry about because they both respond to light. Only at night you can see the difference and it's always my right pupil which is bigger than my left. I have also had a look at the side effects for amitriptyline and found that dizziness is one of the side effects when using them. I'm going to try not to think about these symptoms that I'm getting to see if it helps and if there is no change after a couple of weeks I will go back to my doctor and ask to get an MRI or CT scan just to put my mind at ease.

08-08-13, 20:34
Do a CT scan, it will probably be nothing. I've done 2 myself because I have the exact same kind of sensation in the back of my head and both were clear. Maybe there is psychological reason behind the pain.

vy canis majoris
09-08-13, 17:58
Hi Jimmy, I think I might have health anxiety, once I check my eyes, get dizzy or when my headache starts I keep thinking it's something serious then I need to check up google for my symptoms and the only things which show up are serious illnesses. I do this once very couple of days. Before this headache started over 3 months ago I would never check up any type of symptoms if I was ever ill. It's just been with this headache and I'd say doing this is making me think more and making the headache worse.

09-08-13, 19:31
I'm celebrating later this month an year and two months since I got the headache. So don't worry, 3 months are nothing :) I know how you feel about the pain and I know that you feel like you constantly need to check for symptoms. That's because you can't find what really causes you pain. Like I said, do a CT scan, just so you can clear your mind cause I'm sure it's nothing. Even if the pain continues (like in my case), you'll at least know that you've checked yourself and maybe ask the doctors what can cause headaches like yours, like, everyday stuff, stress, neck or back problems, fear, etc.

10-08-13, 00:00
Hmm I think you should get a CT scan, although an MRI more expensive but I think they are better?

One thing that can cause headaches is when you get growth/polyps in your sinues. So maybe see an ENT for that or ask for your sinues to be scanned too. They also show up on a full dental x ray.

Migraines can also cause headaches, usually a throbbing as you can feel see it on the temple area, they've been known too to affect pupil size.

Another thing is carbon monoxide poisoning, I remember reading/hearing about a lady who kept getting headaches and fainting, she soon noticed it happened after she had been in her car! There was a leak or something somewhere. So be good to keep an eye out for that.

It might be TMJ too as that can cause headaches, jaw tension, face pain, neck pain, ear ringing, eye pain and a long list of symptoms.

Sorry you are going through this, I know the uneven pupils is a scary symptom as we usually only hear scary things about that symptom.

10-09-13, 17:24
You may want to ask them about a rare disease called Intracranial Hypertension, aka Pseudotumor Cerebri. I had constant daily migraines, pupils not dilating properly, tinnitus (ear ringing) and more. My eyes, due to the high spinal fluid pressure on the optic nerves, showed signs of Papilledema. Another rarity. It took me a long time to get answers. :) Good luck