View Full Version : My achey breaky heart!

18-10-06, 11:56
Hi there
Hello all! I haven't been here for a while!

I had my first P A in 4 weeks just a few minutes ago.

I woke up with mild chest pains and have had them on and off for last week. They are worse when I bend over - so I wanted to see what it was exactly and made the mistake of searching the internet for the cause (My anxiety doesn't usually include chest pains so I thought it must be something else!)

Of course every page I went on said HEART ATTACK stuff. As I was reading it I felt that draining "whoosh" went tingly all over (especially my arms), cold hands and feet etc

Does anyone know if the worsening when bending over is relevant? I'm too scared to google anymore!!! But I still would like to know!

Thanks all - I hope you are all having a good day today XXXx

18-10-06, 15:14
Please please dont google.you will get so poorly trust me Iv been there.
Indigestion can cause pain on bending over.anxiety symptoms can change and you could get chest pains.Please dont worry,see your gp for peace of mind,may make you feel a little better.
Take care

Ellen XX

18-10-06, 15:45
Could easily be like the back pain i had afew years back. The worse after sleep and bending over bit especially. Yes i was sceptical when i went to my family doctor and he said this! But afew sessions with the phsiotherapist and the correct exercises to do at home, combined with bending my knees when lifting and i was soon better.
Yes back pain can manafest as chest pain odd but true! But i'd suggest a professional opinion from your own family doctor and don't search the internet! Love to all readers, Paul.

Love to all members