View Full Version : I was wondering...

Just Some Guy
07-08-13, 19:11
I'm currently undergoing CBT for GAD. I was on Pregabalin for a few weeks but had to come off of it due to it causing a constant increased heart rate, I have been off of it for the last week or so.

My question is, does/can GAD cause you to feel unfit? I'm talking very unfit, like heart beating as if you've gone for a quick jog but in reality you've only climbed a flight of stairs to use the toilet?! And only slight exertions seeming like so much more...

I certainly felt nowhere near this unfit prior to developing GAD after fainting. Has anyone experienced this?

07-08-13, 21:35
Yes, quite normal in GAD, particularly after breakdown/acute psychiatric episode/chronic stress. It gets better in time.

Just Some Guy
07-08-13, 22:01
That's comforting to know, many thanks inCOGnito. Roll on feeling better! :D

07-08-13, 22:37

Yes it can make you feel like that. I'm quite fit but when I'm really anxious, I get very short of breath, struggle to get through a sentence and things like walking upstairs can make me very breathless.
