View Full Version : Stomach or colon cancer fears--question

07-08-13, 19:16
So, off and on for since last fall, so almost a year, I have had this pinpoint pain to the left of my navel a couple of inches. I have been to the doc twice about it and he does not seem worried, to the point where he has not tested me for anything, really.

He is a good doctor, so I am trusting him. He knows about my HA, and is understanding.

But, it is hard for me to trust that something isn't going on. You guys know how it is, the doc tells you not to worry, and for about 15 minutes you feel great. Then the what if scenarios begin, and by the time I have driven home from the appt all reassurance is gone.

So I come here. If I had stomach or colon cancer, (I wont belabor you with my symptoms, as most are anxiety induced) but IF I did, and had it for a year or better, the pain would be persistent and progressive, right? I would have other symptoms I expect too.

The thing is, I don't have other symptoms. This one intermittent pinpoint pain to the high left of my navel, which comes and goes. I have no weight loss, no problems at all (other than I am tired all the time, but that is just life and I know it), so why can't I just let go? If I have had this for a year (almost) and nothing has gotten worse, (not better either mind you) and I have no other symptoms (other than indigestion and gas) why can I not let go?

07-08-13, 23:58
i was told that pain with bowel cancer is when it is advanced so yes you would have other symptoms weight loss blood in your poo and feel very unwell so i think your fine i too have been through the obsession of bowel cancer and sent my gp mad i even had a colonoscopy all clear thank goodness but when you have a illness on your mind it takes over and you cant think rationally x

08-08-13, 04:56
I wouldn't' worry about cancer, if your doctor isn't - they would take you very seriously if they thought it was that. But I would look at your diet. Sugar and gluten and carbs cause all sorts of digestion problems and pain - I should know! I have radically changed my diet and the pains I was having are significantly less after 2 months.

08-08-13, 14:05
Well you know how it is with the doc telling you you are fine.
In my head it goes something like this:
"What if I did not convey the symptom exactly right, or what if he misunderstood me?"
or "What if he is wrong?"
or "What if I only think he is a good doctor, but he is actually terrible and I just don't know it?"
or the big one that keeps a lot of us from finding any medical reassurance, "the doctor is human, and humans are fallable. What if he is just wrong?

The horrendous part about anxiety, especially health anxiety, to me is that we can shoot holes in any reassurance. We can find that 1/10th of 1% chance, and assume *we* are in that number.

I think on a concious level I know it is just anxiety related, but in the back of my mind anxiety keeps going, which of course, feeds the problem itself.

I did try a couple of dietary things, Lilharry. I cut out gluten without too much of an effect, and also tried dairy, with no real effect. Maybe I will try sugar now and give it a go. I eat reasonably healthy, but can cut out the sugar in my coffee and what not. Thanks for the suggestion!