View Full Version : would like opinions please

07-08-13, 19:32
Hi there after reading all the posts on here I see that most people have had there symptoms and fears diagnosed and had there minds put at rest but I never have because I won't go to my doctors because that is one of my fears going to the doctor because then they will send you for tests and that is my biggest fear so I just don't go , 14 months ago something happened to my back at work I have lived in pain ever since every day had some relief sometimes but always comes back since Xmas this year it has got worse so much so I spend most the day sitting or laying down with a heat pad and pain killers I'm just suffering really my husband trys to help me but he knows I won't go anywhere because I'm too scared some will read this and think I'm mad what a waste of life being in pain all the time I would think that if it was somebody else but what I've got now is because I have left it so long and it has turned into something serious it my fault it's just driving me mad x

07-08-13, 19:36
I think if you can you should really go to see your doctor. It may be something quite simple that a physio can put right for you. If you can afford it maybe you could just go to see a private physio?

08-08-13, 10:11
Thank you Annie will have to I think .x

Daisy Sue
08-08-13, 10:26
Hi Jackie, sorry to hear how your bad back has affected so much of your life! I'd say get brave and go see your GP - you may not even need any tests, the GP might be able to diagnose what's wrong and help you with meds or refer you for treatment. I suffer with back ache quite often and have found that my TENS machine really helps, also - as much as it hurts - it doesn't help to lie around too much, resting interspersed with walking around is probably better for you.

I hope you get some relief soon - back ache is horrid :(

08-08-13, 17:48
Thank you so much for your thoughts I will get an appointment got to have my mind put at rest thank you x

08-08-13, 19:02
JackieAnn, I once had a driving job and my back got really sore to the point where I hated sitting down - I'd always lie on my bed after work - Anyway I had Chinese accupuncture followed by a Chinese massage, I didn't think it would work but it was fantastic - I cannot recommend it enough - After 2 sessions 2 weeks apart my back never troubled me again.

There is also massage available on the NHS (my niece had it), she had a course of treatment and it really helped her - so don't suffer in pain as it can probably be sorted in a couple of weeks.

Good luck.

08-08-13, 19:07
Hi JackieAnn

If your surgery is anything like ours you can self refer to physio now without having to see a doctor as there is an online form you can fill in.

If you really feel you can't see a doctor why don't you see if you can do that especially since you've had it so long.

Have a look on your GP surgery's website and it should tell you on there and give you the form to complete.

If not then think you really do need to see your doc, I'm sure it's something straightforward so why spend all this time in pain when you can get treatment and hopefully be back to being pain free?

Take care