View Full Version : Guilt trip... Why's it so difficult not to repeat habits of old?

07-08-13, 19:41
I know I'm over reacting but my colleague spoke to me in a way that put blame on me for something. She didnt actually say that but her words have played on my good nature. I know they were being unfair & did stand my ground. It's irritating that now I feel guilty. Its like a burning sensation eating away at me. I've tried to keep my mind off it but am finding myself drawn back to thinking about it. If I take my mind off it, I can still feel that burning inside. I was working out of the office today but had a long break at lunchtime. I stayed late last night & left home very early this morning to account for this so I had every right to take that time. My colleague wanted me to do something before leaving to come home but I didnt have time. They really made it seem like this was MY fault. It isnt my doing that we were thin on the ground in the office today, it just happened that way.
I have told myself over & over if someone else were feeling this way, I'd tell them not to assume blame or feel guilt. That they need to let it go. Practice what you preach..... I'm VERY hormonal which isnt helping as it makes it difficult not to get too into unhelpful ways of thinking. I've had a long day too & I am tired. I could very easily cry & nearly did at one point but I feel determined not to repeat my behaviour patterns of old. Hopefully just by saying this I'll start to believe it (oh dear I did have a "little" cry..... but I think that's made me feel better.

07-08-13, 19:51
Don't you dare feel guilty for this! You do over and beyond your duty at work and are a very conscientious worker. It was not your fault at all. I am sure your manager will realise this and she will not be blaming you, I can only guess that she came across as making it sound as if it was your fault because she was stressing about it being done and not because she was blaming you. You have had a long day, try to relax tonight and I am sure all will be fine tomorrow :hugs:

07-08-13, 20:04
I know I'm over reacting but my colleague spoke to me in a way that put blame on me for something. She didnt actually say that but her words have played on my good nature. I know they were being unfair & did stand my ground. It's irritating that now I feel guilty. Its like a burning sensation eating away at me. I've tried to keep my mind off it but am finding myself drawn back to thinking about it. If I take my mind off it, I can still feel that burning inside. I was working out of the office today but had a long break at lunchtime. I stayed late last night & left home very early this morning to account for this so I had every right to take that time. My colleague wanted me to do something before leaving to come home but I didnt have time. They really made it seem like this was MY fault. It isnt my doing that we were thin on the ground in the office today, it just happened that way.
I have told myself over & over if someone else were feeling this way, I'd tell them not to assume blame or feel guilt. That they need to let it go. Practice what you preach..... I'm VERY hormonal which isnt helping as it makes it difficult not to get too into unhelpful ways of thinking. I've had a long day too & I am tired. I could very easily cry & nearly did at one point but I feel determined not to repeat my behaviour patterns of old. Hopefully just by saying this I'll start to believe it (oh dear I did have a "little" cry..... but I think that's made me feel better.

Hi Tessar, sorry you are feeling like this, but Annie is right you have no reason at all to feel guilty, I think work colleagues know when other members of staff are slightly more sensitive or anxious and will use this to their advantage and I know it is a horrible feeling when you feel guilty but in this case it is for absolutely no reason. You have made amazing progress in the past months Tessar so remember how strong you are. Hope you are feeling a bit better. xxxx

07-08-13, 20:30
Thanku ladies. U r right, I know you are. I am sure she did it to make herself feel better. I suppose she did want the job done & I do appreciate that. If I had been in the office, she knows i would have stayed (that's why i know u girls are right, i am conscientious). as she is out 2moro it was going to have 2wait. I guess she delegated (as managers rightly do) but it was her frustration she dumped on me. she's probably gone off home & forgotten about it now. And so must I !!!!!!! :wall::wall::wall::wall::buttkick::buttkick: