18-10-06, 13:10
Hi guys ive posted quite a bit over the past few days and this is due to constant worrying.

Im off to sunny spain tomorrow and have looked forward to this challenge for so long, but yesterday i woke with a bad chesty cough and sore throat then by the evening it had moved to my head and ears and today is a runny nose, ear ache hot sweats and a cough.

I cant help thinking that im like everyone else and have a cold i think ive got Throat cancer cause of my sore throat, lung cancer cause of my chest, a brain tumour because my head hurts why cant i just understand its probably a cold.

Just wish i was looking forward to going tomorrow cause right now im worried i will collapse and get taken to hospital,

why am i thinking this way???

18-10-06, 14:14

You are thinking this way because you are allowing your imagination to run wild.

You wouldn't get throat cancer, lung cancer and a brain tumour overnight realistically would you and if you had all 3 I doubt you would still be alive lol.

Try to see that it is just a cold but I expect flying could be a bit difficult as that makes your ears pop etc as well doesn't it.

Hopefully once you get to spain in the sun you will be much happier.

You are not dying ok?

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


18-10-06, 14:41
hi katy theres alot of colds about now im suffering with you so dont worry .where else than sunny spain could you get rid of that cold so quick.get over there and have a brill time im sure you will.any room in the case?for me.take care tracy

Sue K with 5
18-10-06, 15:02
Hi katy

Since developing this honey we have text and spoken on in chat and you have not fainted or collapsed yet have you ?? I know the thoughts are scary and your frightened but I think a lot of this is a build up to your worry about going away.

Get on that plane and have a smashing time honey

Think of me whilst your laying on that beach whilst I am slaving over a desk

Hugs and take care of you !!



18-10-06, 15:19
Hi Im sure you havent anything bad,I think like Nic said your mind is allowing your imagination to run away and its because your due to go away and your worried.
Take care

Ellen XX

18-10-06, 18:35
Hi Katy, How awful are these nasty colds that are going around? It is scarey but not life threatening, that I can guarantee, although it feels a lot worse, the worst that will happen on the plane is that your ears will be a little blocked..Make sure you take a few menthol throat sweets to suck and gum to chew and that will really help. You can and will do this, then you can come back and tell us all the goss. and advise others how to cope too..have a good time darling. xxjean