View Full Version : The first knife back since Harm OCD began

07-08-13, 22:13
Hey folks,
Thought I'd share my little success with you so far after about 18 months of battle. I've braved putting the first knife back in the knife block! It's the bread knife, the one I feel safest about. For some reason the ones that are really pointy at the top (steak knives, vegetable knives) are the ones that provoke the most anxiety. I also refused to put the pizza knife up high, point blank refused! I WAS going to combat my OCD. In addition, all the other knives are in a tupperware tub on top of the kitchen cupboards, not quite as out of reach as they once were. I've turned the tub a certain way so I can't see the knives, but still, I'm a lot closer to them now when I make a sandwich and I hope it helps me rationalise my thoughts!

Today has been quite a busy day and being busy does help. 4 episodes back to back of Hotel Inspector kicked my derriere into gear and I wanted to get our home looking good. Today, I have painted the spare room and porch ceiling. Tomorrow, I am repainting the walls in the spare room and constructing a wardrobe and shelf unit. Although it's slow,teeny tiny baby steps, I do believe I can combat my OCD!

I've also managed to talk to my Dad about my thoughts and for some reason, his guidance has proven uplifting rather than reassuring. My Dad pointed out that EVERYONE gets these thoughts and it is a natural response to stress, tiredness, hunger, hormonal problems etc. His words of advice have stuck with me and I am beginning to feel as though..hey, I'm not crazy, just stressed! He's also suggested I try something called Neuro-Linguistic Programming which I'm none too familiar with, thoughts folks?

Granted my family winding me up today hasn't helped. My Dad asked me to look for tartan paint and Mum asked me to get vanishing cream for her. Unfortunately, because of the way I've been over the past few months I'm quite delicate about jokes and seem to take being the target of them a bit personally. Normally, I'm ever the joker, I've just been a bit super-sensitive to date. I'm hoping soon I'll be back to myself and my old man better be ready!

MrsS x

08-08-13, 07:42
so glad you are making progress every step is a step forward so well done, the joking is a coping tool for people they dont mean to be insensitive, great you can open up to your dad that must be so helpful, well done you keep going blessings

08-08-13, 09:07
Nice to read a more positive post from you well don:hugs:

08-08-13, 10:53
Thanks peeps. Kim51 it's been a battle but I refuse to give up. I have so much to live for, so much I want to achieve and do and so many people who love me, also a thousand and one reasons to keep my backside from jail. I was going to try habituation but just reading my harm thought back to myself made it feel so real, I think it was the shock in itself that my brain could think this that really kicked me into gear. Staying busy from now on is DEFINITELY the way forward!

The only flip-side is that when I think back on things, I've had some form of Harm-like OCD all my life as when I was a tot I used to mentally visualise my parents dying in a car crash if they went out and left us with a babysitter. It used to drive my Mum (and the babysitter!) crazy but hey, it all makes sense now! :-)

MrsS x