View Full Version : Why am I always catching viruses :(

07-08-13, 22:48
So I had a baby 4 monta ago. Since November I seem to get one thing after another. I had a virus in November, then January. Then I had baby in march an had an infection in my wound from childbirth. Then in June I had a cold virus. Now I've got a sore throat and sore head and generally don't feel well.

I'm in a panic that it's because I have underlying ca. I feel as though my neck glands are always swollen and sore. But I recently saw a haematologist who said she feels no swollen glands. She said if I felt any they are reactive because they are not abnormal sized. She took extensive bloodwork and wrote to me saying that she was 'glad to that the results show no significant abnormalities'.

This worried me as she said 'no significant' so it's makin me think there must be abnormalities???!!? I asked my gp and she said just medical speak for everything is fine! I also called the consultant secretary as she said that's what is written on almost everyone's letters and that she knows because she types them.

I just can't stop feeling that somethig is really wrong. I also wake up sweaty at night.

07-08-13, 22:57
Night sweats are super common after giving birth. Six months after I had my second child I would still wake up drenched some nights. It's the hormones. Are you breastfeeding? I only ask because when I had my daughter (my eldest child) I had this exact same experience. I had her in December and by the summer I had suffered from five different cold / flu type viruses! I think maybe breastfeeding did take a lot of my energy (although I loved it and carried on with it for well over a year). It is also the tiredness of having a small baby who needs your attention day and night. Sleep deprivation is awful for your immune system and once you get run down its normal to pick up one thing after another.
Try to take a good multi vitamin, eat really well, sleep when you can and if possible take some time out for yourself. I know it's hard when you have a baby, but if someone can mind them for you while you have a massage or just take a rest it can make all the difference.

07-08-13, 23:13
Oh I am with you on the night sweats cattia. After my first I would wake up wet through, the bed, me, everything. It was gross. Did subside eventually.
You don't actually sound like you've been ill too much to me, that sounds normal if I'm honest.
You need to give yourself a break, childbirth and sleep deprivation is evil and you need to try and take some time out. Is your partner supportive? I remover I tried to be a perfectionist with my first, there's so much worry and wanting to get things right. But all they need is love and hugs and the rest follows xx

08-08-13, 00:56
What does anyone think of the letter from the haematologist?

08-08-13, 00:58
Sounds like standard medical talk to me to be honest.

08-08-13, 08:54
Yeah I agree with nic, they do that - when I get clear smear test results the letter always says ' you do not show any signs of cancer or abnormalities at this time' lol 'at this time' great thanks!

08-08-13, 13:25
No significant abnormalities simply means that nothing unexpected has shown in tests.

08-08-13, 15:25
My ear and throat is sore and headache and I'm worried it's lymphoma or cancer.

08-08-13, 15:26
It still doesn't sound like cancer to me