View Full Version : Ugh I feel awful

08-08-13, 06:21
Prefacing this by saying I know this is my fault!

I was day drinking today (12-6pm) then ate a really big dinner. Now it's midnight and I have a hangover (dizzy, shaky, heart racing/palpitations) and I'm so bloated from dinner that I feel like I can't breathe. I can't even sleep because I feel so awful. I'm also really thirsty but worried about drinking any more water because I've already had so much, I don't want water intoxication. I wish this would pass faster, I feel like I'm gonna die. :weep:

08-08-13, 10:35
Are you on holiday somewhere?

08-08-13, 22:47
I am, Nicola. I'm visiting my parents in the US. Today has been even worse - I had what I think is a hypoglycemic attack this morning, and I've felt "off" ever since. I really need to see the doctor about it but I'm not back to London for another 10 days.

08-08-13, 23:02
I think we all drink more on holiday and forget the consequences lol

I think it will take a while to recover from a lot of alcohol so keep drinking the water or fruit juice

08-08-13, 23:58
I'm sure you will be fine. Take it easy and just sip water periodically.

I remember (in my younger days) having a heavy night on drink and 'other stuff' and really felt like I was going to keel over. I was up most of the night shaking and panicking and I did not feel right for weeks after. I really thought I'd done some serious damage. It was all ok though in the end and taught me a valuable lesson!

Take care and just ease off the drink for a few days.

09-08-13, 05:22
Loads of water to help you detoxify. You've put a strain on your liver and it's not processing the bad stuff fast enough. A lemon squeezed into water is good for your liver, but I wouldn't drink anything sugary.

11-08-13, 03:43
Thank you all for your reassuring words. It always helps to know that I'm not alone!