View Full Version : What are the signs of a nervous breakdown?

08-08-13, 07:17
I cannot calm myself and have felt like it for over month. I drink until I pass out but even that has stopped working. Been self harming. Got a drs appointment today but they will just give me ssris which dont work.

08-08-13, 08:59
Just be honest coldwater. Tell GP everything what is happening with you.
I hope you go on ok.:hugs:

08-08-13, 09:08
This is horrific. I can't put this into words. im so tired of this living hell.

08-08-13, 10:10
Hi coldwater I have been through same situation went through 4 different medication and the one that helped me was mirtazapine so keep going to doc until you feel better. Also you have to give at least 4 weeks for any medication to kick in. Hope that helps.

08-08-13, 10:51
Hi Hun

So sorry to hear that you are struggling:(

It is the alcohol please believe me. You may have other issues that are causing the initial panic and anxiety but the alcohol is making it way worse.

I only say this through 7 years of heavy drinking experience. The thing is when you stop the first 3 days are bad you have to get yourself equipped and ready. The SSri will not work with alcohol.

I don't know if this has helped any, hope it has.

Jackie x

08-08-13, 11:51
I want a labotomy or something. I hate being alive like this.

I feel like now without the cruch of booze something i relied on for years and years I am trapped in the broken mind and I am utterly freaking out.

08-08-13, 16:25
The booze will ultimately be making things worse.
