View Full Version : Waking up anxious

08-08-13, 07:24
One of my worst symptoms of my anxiety is as soon as I open my eyes on waking I feel anxious. I feel sick, my stomachs turning over, I'm shaky and worrying. Anyone have any tips on how to get rid of this feeling? xx

08-08-13, 08:58
Sometimes this can be as simple as low blood sugar in the morning time. Low blood sugar can be a big culprit behind anxiety & panic attacks, it can cause a lot of odd symptoms. I used to get morning anxiety myself, and at one stage had panic attacks very soon after I woke up, but this was resolved when I learned to not delay before eating something after waking!

Try keeping a banana by your bedside locker and eat it as soon as you wake (sometimes the low blood sugar can make you feel nautious so it's hard to eat something, but it's worth trying). And then eat a good breakfast as soon as you can.

Give it a try and see if it helps you start your day feeling a bit better :)

08-08-13, 09:05
One of my worst symptoms of my anxiety is as soon as I open my eyes on waking I feel anxious. I feel sick, my stomachs turning over, I'm shaky and worrying. Anyone have any tips on how to get rid of this feeling? xx

Hi have this every morning and I find it soul destroying I have tried the eating thing for the blood sugar but nothing changes it, it's as soon as I open my eyes and it is such a horrible start to the day, from reading on here many others have the same problem. I have no tips for you but wanted you to know you are not alone
Take care Kim x

08-08-13, 09:05
I'm the same soon as I wake up but I've always had biscuits with my tea first thing then I have breakfast but the feeling don't wear off for a few hours sometimes it lasts all day my feeling is in my head I think it's just a horrible feeling .