View Full Version : Health Anxiety & brca gene

08-08-13, 08:03
Hello everyone :)

I've signed up here because I've been struggling with health anxiety for nearly 10 years and I haven't done anything about it to try and help myself.

I am constantly worrying about things and now I have just landed a job I've wanted forever. The problem is though I can't be happy ever because I'm always thinking that these good things won't last because I'm going to die soon.

Recently I found out that I have the brca gene, like angelina jolie, and this has increased my anxiety massively. I'm constantly convinced I have breast cancer even though I'm only 19.

My boyfriend keeps telling me I am imagining symptoms and I can't bare the thought of going to the doctors about these things. I prefer to stick my head in the sand.

Can anyone suggest ways to help? How do people cope with the constant stress?


08-08-13, 09:21
Hi Leopard,

Welcome to NMP. It must be very stressful and upsetting to be told you have the gene mutation :hugs: However, I'm sure you were told that it only increases your risk, it's not absolute that you would get breast cancer. Are you having regular checks? If so, you are in safe hands,the doctors know what they are doing and you must trust them. They will advise as to what is best for you.
