View Full Version : Doctors Grrrr.....

18-10-06, 15:09
Hmmmm, I'm not too happy at the mo'. I was at the docs this morning to get the results of my bloodtests from hospital (all ok, no mental thyroid) and to generally see where to go from here and I left feeling absolutly empty!

I was explaining to the doc how I was feeling and what I had been experiencing with the panic etc and all she said was 'oh right, uh huh, yes' and then went on to tell me it was classic anxiety.... HELLO!! Like I didn't already know that! lol. I felt like she just wasn't interested and she was concious of keeping the 10 min appointment slot. [}:)]

I asked her about counselling and she turned round and said 'Oh, we don;t actually refer you, it's something you have to look up yourself in the yellow pages...' I couldn't believe it. What do Doctors actually do then? Then to top it off, she gave me a prescription for Propanolol which I repeatadly said I didn't want.

Think I'm going to find myself a nice brick wall to bang my head. Might just shunt the neuro whatsits back into place, haha!

Mo x

Never play leapfrog with a unicorn......

18-10-06, 15:31
Sounds like you already are banging your head of that wall!!

I am about to go see my GP and I have to say she has been brilliant...I wonder if this is a wonderful postcode scenario where services don't readily exist in your area....although I find what your GP said to you to be less than helpful!!

Try another GP??

Laisez les bon temp roulez

18-10-06, 15:48
Yeah, about as useful as a poke in the eye! :D

I got straight on the phone and made another appointment with another doc who is lovely. I found it really frustrating thou, as I'm trying to help myself get better when there is no support from someone in such an important role? This whole panic/anxiety thing is still very very new to me so I thought I was taking the right steps to recovery?!

It's lucky I have PPP Healthcare thou so I've already been on the phone to my work (who have been amazing!) to start the ball rolling re counselling or suchwhat.

Mo x

Never play leapfrog with a unicorn......

18-10-06, 17:34
Sorry to hear you had a bad time at the doc's.my gp referred me for counselling,its odd isnt it.Its annoying when you come out feeling worse than you went in.I would push the issue,if you have to go through yellow pages wouldnt you have to go private!!!!!!!!!not on,surely someone can do something.:(
take care

Ellen XX

18-10-06, 19:13

The doctor is the one to refer you for counselling or something like CBT

Go back and tell her you read the NICE guidelines and she is oblidged to find some help for you.

Good luck next time.

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


19-10-06, 08:19
I also have had the same problem doctor doesnt listen and wont refer me to any one else says I should find someone my self would love to know more about the NICE that you mention "nomorepanic"

polly daydream
19-10-06, 16:26
Hi, oh yes she can refer you if that is what you request, don't listen to her, if need be go to another dr and ask to be referred, you are entitled, that is what we pay there wages for!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take care,


19-10-06, 18:13
Hello again,

I decided not to go to the docs again as I had a phone call from an occupational health person at my work and shes already referred me!! Apparently my work have an obligation to pay for any therapy [Wow!] which I couldn't be more happy at!! I'll be getting a call from a counsellor/therapist in my area in the next few days so no long waiting lists for me. [^]

And to think I almost forgot about the healthcare I pay for........ I think everyone should check with their workplace about this!!

Happy Mo x

Never play leapfrog with a unicorn......

19-10-06, 19:22

This is the link from this site to NICE guidelines. Read it and wave it at any GP who is not helpful > They have a duty of care to at least refer you to the CMHT who figure out your next step.

Momo - make sure you get CBT and not some general counsellor


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress