View Full Version : Recurrance of H Pylori

08-08-13, 09:30
Dear all,

My GP requested a H Pylori test last week. This week they have put me on a course of anti-biotics.

The anti-biotics are Amoxycillin (2x2 weeks) and Metronidazole (2x1 week) along with lanzoprazole.

My concern is this. I was already on anti-biotics in November 2011 ( when I had issues with gall bladder) and one of them was metronidazole.

Would that have not cleared H Pylori?
What are the chances of H Pylori re-appearing in the system? Or is it never cleared, but kept under control as and when required?
Please can someone share their experiences?


08-08-13, 11:17

Yes, you can get re-infected with H Pylori, especially if any people you live with or are in close contact with are infected but were not treated.


08-08-13, 11:28
Thank you.