View Full Version : Health Anxiety and now Homeless!!!!!

08-08-13, 10:40
Morning everyone,

I am having a complete shocker! Quick background fyi :

Oct 2012 I had my first panic attack. Thought I was having a heart attack. A&E with an overnight stay. Bloods, ECGs and chest xray all ok.

Dec 2012 I had my second panic attack. Same tests all ok. Also had a treadmill stress ECG. All ok.

Since April I have suffered with really bad pain in left armpit, tingling in left arm and hand with referred chest, neck and jaw pain. Prescribed Amitriptyline for neuropathic pain relief. Also 3 weeks into CBT. Neurologist appt on 25th August.

The Amitriptyline has been working until Monday. My 4 year relationship finished because of my HA. She has let me stay while I sorted a place to live. In fairness to her she couldn't get her head around the whole Anxiety thing and she works bloody hard while I just can't motivate myself. Anyway on Monday my new flat fell through. Seller stitched me up tbh. My partner has kicked me out last night. I am now on the streets. My Anxiety is through the roof. I feel like I am going to drop dead any minute. Tbh it would be a relief!!!

I have been to Housing and CAB. No joy. I could hardly manage while I had a roof over my head. How the hell am I going to cope with sleeping rough??!!

I am in tears as I type this. Sorry for long post, but it does help slightly to get things off my chest so to speak.


Daisy Sue
08-08-13, 10:47
The Council Housing can't help in an emergency like this?? That's disgusting :(

Not sure what to advise, maybe contact MIND http://www.mind.org.uk/ or if you have the opportunity, phone round local housing associations. If you're a church member, try and contact someone from there. Otherwise I guess it's just a case of finding a temporary home for a while... Gumtree advertises accommodation & there'll be one for your area.

Good luck!!

08-08-13, 10:47
I'm so sorry to hear this. Why did housing say no? There must be some sort of homeless shelters near you, where you could at least have a bed for the night, which may help a little. Do you have any family or friends who could help? Even if you just slept on a sofa until you could rent another place.

You could also go to your doctor and tell them what's happened. They may be able to help.

Thinking of you.

08-08-13, 10:58
Thanks for quick replies.

There is a good shelter here in Preston, but it is full. Housing have a waiting list and of course everyone is urgent. I am on the list now and have provided medical evidence of my condition.

Unfortunately I am still not seen as high priority. There are people with kids and women fleeing domestic violence. Of course they should be ahead of me in the queue.

I'll keep looking though.

Thanks again.

*Fallen Angel*
08-08-13, 11:27
I'm so sorry to hear this. There must be something out there that can help? Have you tried the charity Shelter?

08-08-13, 11:29
The charity shelter is full. Only has 20 beds.

*Fallen Angel*
08-08-13, 11:34
Probably a silly question but is there any friends that could help out in the short term?

08-08-13, 11:40
go to www.shelter.co.uk (http://www.shelter.co.uk) they will be able to help my dad was in the similar situation and they were very supportive. sorry you are going through this

08-08-13, 11:41
Not a silly question Fallen. I am not from Preston and all my good friends live far away. I can't travel due to panic attacks on all forms of transport.

I have just messaged a couple of local friends and am waiting for reply.

08-08-13, 13:32
Dear Charlie

Sorry you are having such a difficult time- it is bad enough having the anxiety.

I do sympathise- it puts a heck of a lot of pressure on a relationship when one of you has this - I have had so many rows with my partner- he is understanding to a point - but it is hard for anyone to truly understand unless they've been there themselves.

I hope you hear something back soon, please keep us updated as to how you are getting on.

:hugs: CCat xxx

08-08-13, 14:32
Sorry to hear you're going through such a rough time. HA can really do a number on all sorts of relationships. My parents are getting so wound up with me and they keep telling me that I must be making my boyfriend sick of me.

Of course knowing that we're annoying people just makes us more anxious, so that sucks. I hope everything works out for you, and don't hesitate to call in favours from friends and family. On the bright(?) side, at least it's summer and not horribly cold to be outside.

08-08-13, 20:56
Thanks for all the replies.

I am just sat on a bench, too scared to move at the moment. My pulse is over 100 because I am worrying about where to find somewhere safe to sleep.

My left arm feels weird too. I hope tomorrow brings better news from Housing.

Thanks again guys :hugs:

08-08-13, 22:33
Just to let you know I'm thinking of you. Did your friends get back to you? Have you got warm clothing? What about food?

08-08-13, 22:48
Thanks Lizzie.

No reply yet. I am ok for money, so food not a problem. Fortunately it is quite warm at the moment and not raining.

Tbh, my HA is more of a problem to me than being out on the streets. All I can think about is my heart and keep checking my pulse. Homelessness pales into insignificance against this horrible illness!!!!

08-08-13, 22:52
If it's warm and dry and you're wrapped up well, then it's probably not much different to camping so I imagine it wouldn't be bad for your health. If you have some moneybwould it be worthwhile finding a cheap b and b? Maybe just a couple of days til you're sorted.

08-08-13, 23:38
Bloody typical. No sooner had I typed that it was dry, the heavens opened. I am soaked!!!

Lizzie, I have some money, but not enough for a b&b as well as food. Food is my priority right now. At least I have found somewhere to bed down. It is under cover and should be safe enough.

Again, thanks to all who have sent their best wishes. I'll hopefully have some better news tomorrow.

Female healthanxiety
09-08-13, 00:19

I am so sorry to hear. We have all been at a total low; I know how you feel; when your so stressed your anxiety is on a high; but please don't fear; your body is used to your HA.

Where are you based? I do know that YMCA cater for homeless men; and also if they don't have any rooms; they can send you to a nearest hostel extremely quickly.


*Fallen Angel*
09-08-13, 11:15
I'm sorry to read you had nowhere to stay last night. I hope today brings better news for you xx

09-08-13, 14:07
My left arm is really bad today. At least I know why am so anxious. This is allowing me to prevent a full blown panic attack!!

Hardly slept last night. No progress today, so now bracing myself for 3 nights outside as Monday will be next chance to sort something.

Thanks again as I am finding this site invaluable while I am in this mess.

09-08-13, 14:14

Sorry to hear this has happened to you.

I hope you can keep safe at night as well !

09-08-13, 16:24
sending :hugs: to you Charlie.
No wonder your arm is particularly bad in this very stressful situation for you.
Have you got your painkillers with you ?

Ccat xxx

---------- Post added at 16:24 ---------- Previous post was at 16:22 ----------

ps- could your partner not just let you stay a little longer while you sort something hun? x

09-08-13, 17:26
Hi Ccat.

Yes I have my meds. Sadly, we have gone past point of no return. Part of me is obviously sad, but I am also angry that she doesn't understand the way I feel and the discomfort I am in. She has gone away for two weeks now, so it isn't an option anyway.

Thanks for your concern. Xxx

09-08-13, 18:17
Does she know you're on the streets? I couldn't kick someone out knowing that would happen to them.

It's shocking that there aren't any hostels for you, so terrible that you have to be on the streets.

Stay strong, an answer will come soon and we're all here for you.

09-08-13, 18:30
Thanks Lizzie,

I am a bit panicky at the moment. My symptoms are playing havoc on my mind.

I'll try and stay strong tho. :)

Mr m anxious
09-08-13, 19:42
Sorry for what's happened to you Charlie, hope you get sorted very soon. When you get through this hopefully it will prove that you are stronger than you think.
Take care.

09-08-13, 20:30
Oh my goodness, this is really sad :weep:

Charlie are you sure that you have completely dotted all the i's and crossed all the T's ??

I know you've said that the hostels in your area are full, but have you asked them where else you may be able to go??

I just can't imagine that there is absolutely no where that can take you.

I know it may mean you having to go to a different town for a while, but surely that's got to be better than sleeping on the streets?? Then you could transfer to one of the hostels in your home area when a space becomes available??

Can your local council not even find you a b&b or a bedsit for now??

Have you tried to contact English Churches Housing???

They are a charity and they provide hostel occommodation usually with a key worker who is there to help you find permanent housing. I don't know if they've got anything in your area but it's worth a try at least.

Please make sure that you remain on your medication and please do everything you can to keep yourself safe especially during the night.

I'm so sorry that this is happening to you, but I'm sure that very soon something will be sorted and you will have somewhere safe to stay.

Please keep us up to date.

Daisy Sue
09-08-13, 20:52
I agree with Auntie Moosie - there has to be somewhere for people in desperate situations like yours! Have you tried the YMCA?

Whereabouts in the UK are you?

09-08-13, 23:45
Well since you don't have a place to stay, maybe you hang out in a hospital? They are open 24/7 and if you kept your head down maybe they wouldn't notice you?

Another option is get your self committed, say you are feeling anxious, maybe even suicidal and they'd take you into the mental health unit where you'd get some help for your anxiety but most important a warm bed and food.

I guess it sounds extreme but I'd rather that than sleep outside!

If you can't travel could a family member or friend pick you up? Or lend you some money for a cheap hostel room?

10-08-13, 00:54
Oh Charlie- I'm sorry that its got to that point with your partner. I can't help thinking it is somewhat selfish to not let you stay when she is away anyhow:lac:

I am thinking of you- one day at a time hun- and i hope you can get something sorted soon

maybe what anxiousgirl has suggested is a thought- if you feel you need help urgently

very best wishes to you, please keep safe , CCat x

10-08-13, 14:48
Thanks again for your support. I have considered hospital, but I really don't want to waste their resources. I am a bit better today as I got some sleep last night.

I am a fairly positive person normally, so I reckon if I can get through this, maybe my HA can be beaten.

Thanks again.

10-08-13, 17:13
If your name is on the mortgage deeds for the house ( and there is nothing legal blocking you from entering it ) you have every right to stay in the house. And if she is away, then you could always 'accidentally break' one of the back windows ;)

10-08-13, 17:27
I actually had a similar experience when I was younger, split with a girl I was renting a house with and lost my job, so ended up homeless, spent a while on the streets and then ended up living in an old warehouse for a while.

It wasn't ideal, but if you get it through it you know you can cope with pretty much anything life throws at you. The main thing is just to make sure you eat, and stay safe and warm at night ( lots of areas have things like soup kitchens and drop in centres you can get food and a shower at, and get out of the weather, ask other homeless people as they will know and are normally pretty helpful ). The boredom is one of the worst things, but spend the time at the job centre, asking around places for work etc.. go and annoy the council every day for a bedsit or B&B place.

11-08-13, 01:09
I do admire your positivity Charlie- glad you got some sleep- please keep us updated on how you get on :hugs:

11-08-13, 07:31
Really bad night. Had a big panic attack at about midnight. Pain is really bad now. My heart is racing. Feel so sad and alone.

On a positive note, I have stayed dry and fairly warm. Only one night to get through before I can get back to housing on Monday.

I'll let you all know how I get on :hugs:

11-08-13, 19:14
Oh - sorry you had a bad night Charlie. :bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:

Probably the tension has aggravated your muscle/nerve pain. You are doing well you know- i admire you - you are right chick- if you can get through this- you can get through anything. Hang in there chuck.

will keep my fingers crossed you have some success getting help tomorrow- yes please do let everyone know how you get on,

love ccat xxx

11-08-13, 19:56
Yes Ccat. Def increased anxiety causing the pain to be worse. Been really bored today. Far too much time just thinking. I am feeling ok right now so hopefully a better night ahead.

Lets see what tomorrow brings. Xx

12-08-13, 00:43
Aww Charlie reading this makes me feel so sad :weep:

Please!! when you go to your housing authority in the morning, tell them that having to sleep on the streets is now affecting your health in a big way, tell them about the panic attacks and that if you continue having to live like this, it is going to have a serious impact on your mental health.

I really don't know how the law is now on homelessness, but I just can't believe that you can just be left like this, it just isn't right.

If needs be, also pop into your local social services and see if they can help you at all.

Or get in touch with your local MP, you'd be surprised at what good they can do too, to find out who that is, go to your local council offices and they will be able to give you all the info that you need.

Please keep safe and hopefully sleep well tonight, but tomorrow, state your case and hopefully, keeping everything crossed, something good may happen :)

12-08-13, 01:40
Charlie. I`m really so sad and shocked to read this. Surely the council and social services have to do something here.
I know the local authority here would have put you up in a b/b if there were no houses available.
I would go to a hospital if I were you. Anxiety and P/A are an illness. You shouldn`t be left like this.

12-08-13, 04:13
Charlie, you're in my thoughts and I wish you the very best in getting some accommodation as soon as possible. Reading this really puts things into perspective, some of the things I complain about and make me depressed seem so petty in comparison to what you're going through, and yet you are being so strong. It's incredibly admirable. Do keep us updated on your situation, we're all here for you. :hugs:

12-08-13, 09:00
All your messages are really helping. Thanks so much. This site is such a source of strength.

Off to Housing now to plead my case. If I get no joy, I will consider going to the hospital to see what they say. It is my birthday today as well. Maybe i'll get a nice present!!!!!

Thanks again. Xxx

12-08-13, 12:38
What a horrible way to spend your birthday :( where abouts are you from? I hope they can help you out with somewhere too stay. Really angers me that people come on boats and are housed, fed and kept clean but for everyone else, no!!
A big happy birthday to you and wishing you lots of luck!!

Btw- if the ex went away for 2 weeks? Why couldn't you stay in the house? Not like she is there.

12-08-13, 12:42
Preston. No joy today with housing. I am in a long queue of desperate people!!! Seems Health Anxiety isn't considered serious enough. If I was an alcoholic or drug addict, then maybe I would be given higher priority. Its a mad world.

As for the house. My ex partners daughter is home from uni and living in the house.

Daisy Sue
12-08-13, 14:46
Have you tried Crisis? They help homeless people. Tel 0300 636 1967
Email enquiries@crisis.org.uk

Or there's Emmaus charity, also helping the homeless... 165 Ribbleton Lane, Preston PR1 5ST Contact: Tracy Hopkins, General Manager; Don Simpson, Trustee.
Phone: 01772 796622

12-08-13, 18:00
So sorry you are having to spend your birthday in this way Charlie-
you have been in my thoughts and i was really hoping someone would be able to help today . It seems very unfair how they prioritise people
sending :hugs: to you Please keep us up to date -
Ccat xxx

12-08-13, 18:24
Daisy - thanks for links. I know Emmaus well as I used to work for them. Tracy is lovely but they are full, plus my flat will be ready in 3 weeks so they can't help.

Ccat - as always, thanks. Xxxx

12-08-13, 18:55
Aww Charlie I was so hoping to read some good news from you today.

I just don't know what else to suggest to help you, I'm all out of ideas.

As a last resort I'd go and present myself to your local mental health crisis team, in my opinion you have a mental health condition and you are in a crisis, if they can't admit you to hospital, they may well know where you can go.

Thinking of you Charlie, hang in there, something good will come your way soon.

Daisy Sue
12-08-13, 18:59
Any church organisations you could approach, Charlie?

12-08-13, 19:01
Thankyou Moosie. Fingers crossed. I have an appt with my GP tomorrow so will tell her all the developments. She is really good so am hopeful she can point me to the right people.


---------- Post added at 19:01 ---------- Previous post was at 19:00 ----------

Daisy - the only homeless shelter in this area is run by the Methodist Church. They are full, but I am on the waiting list.

Daisy Sue
12-08-13, 19:05
Thankyou Moosie. Fingers crossed. I have an appt with my GP tomorrow so will tell her all the developments. She is really good so am hopeful she can point me to the right people.


---------- Post added at 19:01 ---------- Previous post was at 19:00 ----------

Daisy - the only homeless shelter in this area is run by the Methodist Church. They are full, but I am on the waiting list.


Let's hope the doc can do something then! Got my fingers crossed for you too.

13-08-13, 11:45
Well my GP wasn't much help. She was very concerned for my health but could only give me some leaflets about homeless services. As I have already exhausted all avenues, there is little more I can do.

My flat should be available by 28th August, so only 15 more days to survive. Surprisingly, I am finding the days harder than the nights. I am so bored during the day. At least I am getting a bit of sleep at night. My pain is bad but bearable. My HA concerns have actually lessened since I have been on the streets. I guess my mind is on other things. My heart must be ok to be able to stand all this upset.


13-08-13, 22:10
Sorry to hear that GP couldn't help Charlie :hugs:

The days must seem very long. I was trying to think of places that might be good to hang out in- are there any museums and /or art galleries? They may be good places to go and spend some time? have a coffee or something? I don't know - i always find them calming places to be.

You are quite right you know hun- your heart must be ok- you are doing well- when is your next appointment ?

thinking of you Charlie. Hope the shelter has a space very soon,

love CCat xxx

14-08-13, 02:49
Oh Charlie I'm sorry that your GP couldn't really help you.

It sounds like there must be quite a housing crisis where you're living, with everything being full. I know that most places get full to the rafters in the winter months, but to be this full in the summer is pretty bad.

Charlie do they have a day centre where you can go and have something to eat and things at all?? I know here in the homeless hostel, they have a day centre too, where people can go to eat, have a shower and a chat to others, was just thinking maybe they have something like that in your area, it would break the boredom and lonelyness up for you??

You really are so brave with the way you're coping with it all and I admire you for that.

What is the hold up with the flat then???

I feel so helpless when I'm writing to you, because I just don't know what else there is to suggest, all I can say is hang in there and just keep everything crossed that something good will happen soon.

14-08-13, 09:19
Thanks ccat, moosie and adam.

I go to the library for some of the day. I can at least get on the internet for a couple of hours. I am eating well. I have money, just not enough for food AND a b&b. I figured food was more important. The last thing I want ti do is add to my HA by not eating.

Mr m anxious
14-08-13, 16:30
Hi charlie
Ive been reading your recent events and just want you to know im thinking about you, all the best mate. Once you get your flat with your health intact im sure ha will be a lot easier to deal with. I know it's a cliché but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

14-08-13, 16:41
afternoon Charlie, how are you doing today?
oh yes- the library sounds like a good idea. Glad you are eating ok too. really hope something comes up soon. is there anyway they could let you have flat any sooner?
thinking of you,
take care

ccat xxx

14-08-13, 17:01
Thanks mr m. This whole experience has in an ironic way helped my HA. I am so preoccupied with keeping safe, warm and fed, that I have hardly noticed my symptoms. They are still there if I stop and think about them, but I haven't even checked my pulse for two days. Just goes to show how powerful the mind is!!! Thanks for your good wishes mate.

Ccat, having an ok day today. Feeling surprisingly upbeat. Just had a decent meal and a shave. Amazing how simple things can give you a big lift in this type of situation.

As for the flat, everything possible is being done to speed it up. The problem is the seller's chain has broken down. He can't move into his new place for some reason. I am hopeful that I can move in at the end of next week. Only 9-10 days in that case. More likely it will be the following week knowing my luck!!!!

Thanks hun. Xxx

*Fallen Angel*
14-08-13, 22:23
You know Charlie you really are strong. You sound So positive given your current situation. I hope your roof isn't long coming. Take care and keep us updated xx

15-08-13, 00:07
So sorry to hear about this mate, all the best to you. Do you have family (mother/dad, brother/sister) that you could live with until you get back on your two feet?

Hope everything gets resolved for you mate.

15-08-13, 11:41
Well guys, another night chalked off :)

Had a bit of a panic attack this morning while having a cuppa in a cafe. It soon passed though.

Thanks again for all your messages. Xxx

15-08-13, 12:22
Well you are surviving ok, and it shouldn't be too long before you get your flat sorted and can get back on your feet. Being homeless isn't so bad in the summer as long as you can stay dry, not so much fun in January though !

15-08-13, 19:43
Hiya Charlie

Fallen Angel is right you know- you are strong- I think we all admire you for how you are dealing with this.:hugs:

ccat x

15-08-13, 23:34
All I can say is to just keep going Charlie, keep reminding yourself that life isn't always going to be like this and in a couple of weeks time you'll be in your nice flat and starting a new life......think of all the possibilities :)

Also Charlie, I just wanted to say, in case you don't know, that when you move into your flat, you may be able to get grants to help you furnish it and buy the essentials that you'll need, I'm not 100% sure, but I know that homeless people could get these grants once they were housed, so it's worth looking into :)

I hope you sleep ok tonight, do keep safe, I think you're doing great :)

17-08-13, 09:37
Thanks Moosie,

I am still managing ok. Another weekend ahead of me and then hopefully things will get moving next week.

I have furniture and stuff already, but thanks for the advice anyway.

Having a few pains today, but nothing I am not now used to. Just need to keep reminding myself that I am highly anxious at the moment and still getting through it :)

Thanks largely to this wonderful site and the great people who have commented on this thread. :hugs:

17-08-13, 20:43
Hi again Charlie

That is good. Just think everyday you are a step closer to the flat.- and you have your appointment soon- things are moving in the right direction.

you are really doing well hun. I must say- i think its amazing how you have coped and you know- we are all rooting for you :bighug1: CCat xxx

17-08-13, 21:10
Just read this thread. Wow. So sorry to hear of all your problems. Hope things are sorted out soon. You are right about your anxiety issues though - they melt away when more pressing issues present themselves. You should take courage from knowing that you are surviving this tough spell and it just shows that you have it within you to overcome your other issues.

Daisy Sue
17-08-13, 21:47
Don't know if you've thought of the British Red Cross, Charlie...

Pittman Court
Pittman Way
01772 707 300

18-08-13, 00:39
Charlie it's no wonder you've got all sorts of aches and pains.

You are probably in an anxious sate for most of the time but especially at night, I know I would be. Your muscles will be all tense and that does cause pain.

On top of that, you're probably having to sleep in unsuitable places and that will upset your back, which then upsets everything.

Charlie, to me, you are one amazingly brave and strong person, how you've kept yourself positive, I will never know, but you've done it in the most dreadful of circumstances, I think we all need to take a leaf out of your book.

I so hope good news comes next week for you, you soooo deserve something nice to happen :hugs:

18-08-13, 09:14
Thanks again for your lovely messages. They really help me through the worst of this.

I have learnt an invaluable lesson over the last 10 days and nights. My mind is actually under my control after all. I have been so preoccupied with all the basic survival stuff that I havent really noticed my body and what it is telling me. I dont check my pulse, the pain has become more background and I haven't had time to worry about my neurologist appt.

All in all I am doing well on the HA front. Small silver lining :)

Thanks again. I sincerely hope all of you are getting better and having good days.

All my love

C xxxx

*Fallen Angel*
18-08-13, 16:43
Glad to hear you're still checking in with us Charlie. Fingers crossed the time passes quickly till you move in. Take care x

20-08-13, 09:59
Morning guys. Hope you all having a good start to the day.

Well here I am going into day 14 of my homeless experience!! Still alive, still upbeat and actually handling my HA better than ever :)

Got a progress update yesterday. My flat will def be available next Tuesday. So 7 more days!!! At least I now have a target and the uncertainty has gone. More good news is the weather is going to be great for the next week so sleeping rough will be a bit easier. On the down side I have run out of money, so food will be an issue. I am off to find details of soup kitchens now. Wish me luck.

Charlie xxxxx

20-08-13, 11:07
Hey Charlie

oh that's good- that there is a definate date to aim for . you are doing so well with your health anxiety.

hope you find somewhere for food- please let us know how you get on.

love ccat xxx:hugs:

21-08-13, 00:32
I'm so pleased that your flat will be ready on Tuesday Charlie, there is light at the end of the tunnel for you now :)

Can you not get any help with money for food at all Charlie?

See if the hostels near you have a day centre.......sometimes they do and you can go and get a meal there.

It is so important that you do eat though Charlie, for both physical and mental health.

Phone the benefits agency and see if they can offer you any help, after all, it's only going to be for a week, so they may well be able to help you.

Perhaps Shelter may know where you'd be able to get a meal too, they're very good like that.

You're doing just great though :)

Daisy Sue
21-08-13, 00:39
Glad to hear there's an end in sight to this, Charlie!

I agree with Auntie Moosie - the benefits agency should be able to give you a crisis loan, if nothing else. And there should be at least one charity run free meal service in your area.

21-08-13, 22:50
Hi Charlie,

how are you doing? did you find somwhere for food hun? i hope so ,

thinking of you :hugs: CCAT XXX

21-08-13, 23:07
You are amazing there's not many people who could do and go through what you are doing every day.
I really hope you have found somewhere to get some food?

I wish you every success with your flat and hope next Fri goes well for you .

22-08-13, 06:52
Thanks for continuing support. :hugs:

I am struggling to find food, but despite feeling hungry, my symptoms aren't getting worse. That must be a good thing right?

Maybe i'll get something today.

Thanks again. Xx

22-08-13, 20:54

I have some great news at last. My flat is available tomorrow :)

I also have had my money come through so treating myself to a b&b tonight. Just had the best shower ever. So chilled and no HA.


Mr m anxious
22-08-13, 21:53
Great news Charlie ! and welcome to the world of no anxiety. I feel so happy at the moment and now have my life back on track from where I left it last December, so if you feel like your falling back into ha fight it and remember what you've been through and how you conquered it.
Best of luck mate and keep fighting the good fight.

22-08-13, 22:00
:yahoo:woohooooooooo!!!!!! Yeah! Go Charlie!:yahoo:

What fantastic news, I'm soooo happy for you :D

You have been one amazing man to go have gone through this and coped so well with it :yesyes:

Now just take it one step at a time, you've got all of your future to look forward too and to plan for, this is your time Charlie :D

Enjoy your B&B tonight and tomorrow, your new life will begin, how wonderful is that? :yesyes:

22-08-13, 22:05
Great news.

22-08-13, 23:18
:hugs: So happy for you Charlie, have been following your thread and you are an inspiration, as they say, good things come to those who wait. All the very best for your future, you deserve it :hugs:

Jayne x

23-08-13, 00:28
Fantastic news Charlie!!!:yesyes:

so pleased for you. you should be very proud of yourself for the way you have got through this very difficult time. Hope you have a good nights sleep tonight hun :hugs:

CCat xxx

23-08-13, 09:07
Thanks :hugs:

Woke up this morning from a great sleep. Feeling happy and excited about today.

Thanks once again to everyone on this site. I have drawn great comfort from all your supportive comments.


23-08-13, 10:08
Great news, things are definitely looking up

Mr m anxious
23-08-13, 11:59
Hi Charlie, now you've got through this you can laugh in the face of ha, your strong and look how easily your heart coped with your dilemma. How long until your neurologist appointment, must be close now.

23-08-13, 14:24
Sunday. An odd day to have it tbh. Bit nervous, but hopefully will all be ok. :)

Mr m anxious
23-08-13, 14:57
Im pretty sure he'll tell you its tension and if your still having your armpit pains he'll tell you to up your amitriptyline I reckon.

*Fallen Angel*
23-08-13, 20:01
I'm so so pleased for you Charlie. You really deserve to be happy and I hope this is the start of a very happy future for you.

24-08-13, 09:05
Hi Charlie,

I have just been reading your thread and I cannot believe what you have been through - it really puts all my problems into perspective. You are an incredibly brave and strong person. I'm so happy that you have come out at the other end now, and I really wish you all the best for the future - you definitely deserve it.


Catherine x

24-08-13, 10:19
Wow unbelivable. There's really no help out there for anyone and especially for us GAD sufferers.

Thank God for NMP.

This is the reality of having HA - it affects your life on every level and still the question remains even for those who suffer it and that is - is GAD etc a 'real' illness. BLOODY more needs to be done as per your situation - hurrendous!

Sounds like your managing to sort it keep strong and brave, I know it's hard to scrape yourself off the floor when things are this bad but sending you best wises and hugs. Keep us posted XXXX

24-08-13, 10:26
Good to hear things are getting better for you. Good luck with your flat

24-08-13, 20:48
Thanks :hugs:

I have the keys and am moving my stuff in tomorrow. Got my neuro appt at 3pm as well. Big day ahead!!!

Still got the HA under control too :)

Thanks again guys. Xxxxx

24-08-13, 22:53
Excellent news. It just shows what you can cope with when you have to. It's amazing how the mind can concentrate itself in a crisis and deal with the things that really matter. Well done. Good luck tomorrow.

25-08-13, 03:54
Good luck for today Charlie.

I shall be thinking of you :)

Mr m anxious
25-08-13, 21:06
How did you get on at the neurologist Charlie?

26-08-13, 12:01
Neurologist appt was ok. He hit me with a hammer a few times to check reflexes. He doesn't think my symptoms are almost certainly originating in my neck - not my brain!! He has referred me for an mri scan of my neck, upper spine and left shoulder/armpit area. Going to be 3 or 4 weeks for appt to come through.

Mr m anxious
26-08-13, 13:18
Hi Charlie
sounds like he thinks you have a trapped nerve or something by arranging a mri. Cant believe how similar mine and your symptoms are.

08-09-13, 23:16
How are you doing? X

08-09-13, 23:41
Lizzie I've been wondering the very same thing :)

I hope all is going well :)

15-09-13, 20:54
Has anyone heard from Charlie?

16-09-13, 12:33
Hi guys,

I am doing ok thanks.

Settling into my flat well. Starting to build a new life by getting out when possible. I still have aches and pains and the odd weird symptom. Guess it just keeps me on my toes!!! :)

I am still waiting for the mri scan on my neck and shoulder. I'll update later when I have had the scan.

Thanks for all your messages and concern.

Love Charlie xxxx

16-09-13, 15:18
That's good to hear Charlie - was wondering how you were getting on:flowers:

Cat xxx

16-09-13, 17:01
Hi Charley

I just sat and read through all 10 pages of your post. Firstly I find it staggering that we don't have better support services for people who find themselves in your position. Really puts into perspective government bickering about inheritance tax and the like. It also makes me determined in my work (I am a manager in the NHS) to be able to draw a straight line between what I do every day and how it benefits people. Difficult when you are removed from the front line but an important cross check nonetheless.

I read your post after you had sorted yourself, but I found myself wanting to drive to Preston and offer you a bed for the night (I live across the Pennines).

Finally I just wanted to say that your thread in spite of its adversity is an absolute inspiration, a level of fortitude that I seriously doubt I possess.

I am so pleased you are sorted out and I hope that in some small way the challenges you have been through serve to make you stronger and as proof of what in fact you can handle.

Take it easy and give your body and mind a rest for a while.
