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View Full Version : Success...?

08-08-13, 11:06
I put a question mark at the end of the title because I don't want to be too confident, I'm scared I jinx it!

So just over a year ago, I had a complete nervous breakdown. Lived in constant panic mode, had crippling depersonalisation and derealisation, could barely walk for the first month as my legs were so weak from adrenaline and felt sure I had lost my mind. I was having suicidal thoughts and just couldn't see any way out. I was so alone and isolated and the thought of living the rest of my life like this was just too much to bear.

The past year has been full of ups and downs, mostly downs. Many times I have just given up on the day and closed the curtains to shut the world out. But with determination I have got myself through it and feel almost like my old self again. In the past few months I have been on a field trip with uni, managed a weekend away at a wedding, written a 15,000 word report for my PhD, been out with friends again and next week I go on holiday which I'm LOOKING FORWARD too! All things which seemed impossible not so long ago.

I've had to accept that anxiety will always be a part of me but you can suffer from anxiety and still have a very happy, fulfilling life. If I can get through this then anyone can!
