View Full Version : This one weird symptom..

08-08-13, 12:44
Hi all i've been doing 100x better since reading Claire weekes 'Hope and help for your nerves' i can relate with everything in the book soo much and it made me feel much better, even having my symptoms fade for 2 days.

But there is one symptom i just can't shake off.. and that is the repeating thoughts. I feel like my brain is stuck on repeat. Thoughts repeat over in my mind. It can be song lyrics, negative thoughts or even thinking my own name in my head repeatedly, it's the weirdest thing!

The more i try not to think about it the more it comes. It's like my brain won't stop thinking in the background. Thoughts just pop up. All other symptoms i have i know are anxiety symptoms and i'm ok with them but this one leaves me in doubt.

Can someone help me understand that this is an anxiety symptom?

08-08-13, 12:53
I think the key here is 'the more you try not to think the more it comes'. Its the classic "try not to think of a pink elephant for a minute", not many can do that because you are trying not to think of it, but its there. In my experiences the more you try to crush thoughts they keep appearing because you are thinking that you are thinking about them, engaging with them, if that makes some crazy sense!!! lol. Totally normal my friend, 100% part of anxiety.

I have found meditation very good for letting thoughts come and go without getting involved with them. 20 minutes a day, every day. "The art of Meditation" - by Ricard Matthieu is a great book to learn some basic principals. Works well for me although I am a novice.

08-08-13, 12:54
I get the same thing as you do. Song lyrics, people's names, negative thoughts. They all swim around in my head on repeat. This can be quite hard when you are in bed trying to sleep. Do you find it happens at night whilst trying to sleep too? I can relate to you so don't worry. Sometimes I think it is a symptom of anxiety. It's like our brain desperately tries to find something to obsess about because with the anxiety is is used to doing that.

08-08-13, 12:59
I think the key here is 'the more you try not to think the more it comes'. Its the classic "try not to think of a pink elephant for a minute", not many can do that because you are trying not to think of it, but its there. In my experiences the more you try to crush thoughts they keep appearing because you are thinking that you are thinking about them, engaging with them, if that makes some crazy sense!!! lol. Totally normal my friend, 100% part of anxiety.

I have found meditation very good for letting thoughts come and go without getting involved with them. 20 minutes a day, every day. "The art of Meditation" - by Ricard Matthieu is a great book to learn some basic principals. Works well for me although I am a novice.

Oh thank god. I was so worried about this one. That does make sense. I will try meditation see if it helps and not trying not to think of it. (lol, that sounds weird)

08-08-13, 13:27
Oh thank god. I was so worried about this one. That does make sense. I will try meditation see if it helps and not trying not to think of it. (lol, that sounds weird)

ha ha it does sound weird but by engaging with your thoughts they manifest I have found (most literature will confirm this as well). If you can train your brain to let go of thoughts with ease then you have cracked it! I used to think meditation was a bit of a joke tbh, until I learnt how to do it properly. One of the best things I have ever done and scientifically proven (by top scientists) to help with thought processes. The brain is a muscle, it needs training. Like any excercise it will take time to learn/do but the rewards for you will be worth it in time :yesyes:

09-08-13, 17:19
You're definitely not the only one! I have a 45 min walk to the office for work and I always find myself repeating the chorus of a song over and over again in my head to the time of my walking. Always happens, it's just the choice of song that varies :p

I think it's my body's was of subconsciously trying to distract me from the anxiety!!

NE21 worrier
10-08-13, 00:13
Yes OP, it's the symptom of a very active mind, I guess - not that I mind if it has latched onto something I don't mind listening to on my own internal radio, worse if it is something like the hook from 'Moves Like Jagger' (sorry, folks:D) - and worse still if it is a horrible anxious thought. We all get them - however, they are but thoughts and cannot harm you :)

12-08-13, 08:12
I'm glad to know i'm not the only one. It's the weirdest thing!

What causes repetitive thoughts? Is it just because i'm trying not to think of it?

14-08-13, 01:51
Boredom and nothing to engage your brain.

Sign up for a college course. Try a new job, Volunteer, give your mind something to get it;s teeth in to,


14-08-13, 12:39
I do this! What has helped for me is Minfulness!