View Full Version : Convinced I have a brain tumour or bleed

08-08-13, 13:23

I started getting headaches in May and posted about it on here. They eventually eased off. Five weeks ago I had my first ever attack of vertigo when I felt very dizzy and everything was spinning. I was then ok for two weeks. Three weeks ago I had another vertigo attack. Since then I have felt very ill - exhaustion, no appetite, dizzy, faint, large floaters in my vision and headache in the morning and vomiting. I have seen my GP twice and an out of hours doctor and have been to A and E once. Apart from slightly low in iron, but not enough to be anaemic, they haven't found anything. They all think it is my inner ear either crystals, or labyrinthitis. Except my recent trip to the GP thought it could be migraine but has also ordered an urgent neurology appointment in the next two weeks for a brain scan to rule out anything else.

All this has also triggered my anxiety and panic attacks, so I am getting all of those symptoms as well including chest pains, which is making me panic more.

I am so scared. I have spent the last couple of weeks too ill to even walk around my house.

*Fallen Angel*
08-08-13, 13:28
Whatever is or isn't going on there is no doubt anxiety makes it worse:hugs: I have been in a similar place with dizziness and it can be extremely debilitating. However I found the more apprehensive I was about moving around, the worse it felt. Sometimes just getting out in the fresh air can help.

Has your GP prescribed anything for the dizziness? I take Cerc/betahistine and it has helped me. I also saw ENT and had a brain scan which were fine. Dizziness is still there but I try not to let it scare me.

08-08-13, 13:34
I was given Betahistine but it didn't help :(

*Fallen Angel*
09-08-13, 11:04
If it didn't work you need to go back to your Dr. There is also something called the Epley maneuver which can be done and is almost always successful if it's caused my crystals in the ear.

09-08-13, 11:25
Hi Sally - I was diagnosed with Labyrinthitis and it presents all the symptoms you describe. There is a website for sufferers which I found a god-send because it describes exactly what I was feeling without feeling scared - it's a safe one to look at :). I could just about cope with all the head symptoms but the dizziness stayed with me for a long time. Sometimes it was just a feeling of being off balance and at other times it was so bad I felt sick. I was given tablets for vertigo but to be honest they didn't touch it. Unfortunately, if that is what you have, there isn't alot they can do. It tends to clear up on it's own but it can take a while. Let us know how you get on. xx

09-08-13, 16:37
Thanks. I ended up being taken by ambulance to A and E last night because of my chest pains. Even though my ECG was abnormal (it always has been) the consultant was not concerned at all and said my pain definitely wasn't cardiac.

I have a Neurology appointment a week on Monday to rule out anything serious in my head.

I am just so anxious and hate feeling so ill :(

10-08-13, 03:30
hope you are feeling better.
i was treated earlier this year for Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. the method used was the Epily manouver (sp) mentioned in an earlier reply. it was very successful and cured me of my vertigo.
but sigh.... i am still worried about a brain tumor due to the constant headache that i have and weird feelings on my left side.
let us know how your appt goes.