View Full Version : Hello - new on here

18-10-06, 15:45
I've registered my son's details on here so he can use this when he comes home.
He's 16, been in a psychiatric unit for 6 weeks now - sectioned for first 3. Is on Risperidone as he was psychotic when they took him in, and he started on Citalapram when he went back into the unit yesterday. They are keeping him in for at least 4 more weeks with home visits to help him get over his social anxiety.
Nic isolated himself from about 10 years old. He and I realised there was something wrong, but not what, trouble was the "professionals" didn't see it. As he got bigger this "thing" got bigger, until really the last year it became out of control. Narcotic, alcohol and solent misuse to try and make himself feel better. Obviously this didn't work.
Hope he gets through this and the new meds work for him so he can take his GCSEs, go to colege and get a job. More importantly get back to being the young man I know is hiding inside and ejoying life and friends again.

18-10-06, 16:39
hi i have only just read your post , what a sad thing to happen to such a young lad but atleast now he is getting help.as a mum myself my heart goes out to you seeing your boy like this .with the help he is getting and a good mum like you he will get there it will take time but he will be back to living his life the way he should and deserves to . be strong its not easy im sure but there is always someone to talk to on this forum they are really good and if ever i can help please let me know take care god bless suexx

18-10-06, 17:29
Hi and welcome.you sound like a very supportive mum,and your son is now getting the help he needs.You both will get some helpful advise on here and make many good friends.Hopefully your son will be better soon and will get some compfort from this forum.As a carer Im sure you will find compfort here to,we are all here to help.
Take care

Ellen XX

18-10-06, 18:22
Welcome aboard to both of you and hope he does get some support on here when he comes home.

Sounds like you are trying to be the best help you can to him.

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


18-10-06, 18:43

And a BIG warm welcome to you both, Lovely to see you here.

Sounds like you are a very supportive mum, Im sure Nic will get lots of good support here and make new friends which will help on the road to recovery.



18-10-06, 19:20
Hi there and welcome:D
I'm so sorry that your family is going thru a trying time right now.
But how wonderful that you are being so supportive and proactive on your son's behalf!!!!
Let us know when he comes home so we can all post a special welcome for him - please.

18-10-06, 19:33

A warm welcome to the site. You will find some great help and advice here. glad to have you on board. Your a good mother. Look forwark to gettin to know your son.

Take care,


18-10-06, 20:24

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

18-10-06, 22:21
Hi to both of you and welcome to NMP. This is a great site, you'll find lots of support and help. So sorry to read about what has been happening. I'm on citalopram and it has helped me loads so I hope your son feels better soon

Take care

'This too will pass'

18-10-06, 22:35
I've just read all your mesages, thankyou.
The past few years have been tough - not just the usual teenage tough as I now realise.
Nic has lived with his dad for just over a year as he was getting too hard to deal with - now I realise there was more to it than him just being a horrible 14 year old.
Im trying to support him - still feel guilty though - any Mum out there will know what I mean.
Spoke to him earier and says he hasn't felt horrid afte taking his first Cipramil this morning. Picking im up tomorrow so he has a long weekend at his Dad's. Will point him in this direction too!

19-10-06, 10:06
A big warm welcome to the both of you.

Take Care
