View Full Version : New to Health Anxiety

08-08-13, 15:42
Hi all,

This is my first post! For the last 6 months, I have been suffering from health anxiety, which seemed to come out of nowhere. It started with a fear of lymph nodes swelling, then moved onto Hodgkin's Disease, throat cancer and Motor Neurone Disease.

I've been to see the doctor at least 10 times in the last 6 months, both private and public. I have had 2 MRI's (neck and brain), one scope down the throat, visited the neurologist 3 times, had nerve conduction studies done and 2 EMG's. All of which have come back clear, apart from a slight herniation in my C5/C6 disk, which I knew I had anyway.

My symptoms have ranged from sore throats, lump in throat, perceived difficulty swallowing, perceived weakness in all parts of the body and now I am having weird sensations in my tongue, which make me think I am not speaking properly. Even though everyone tells me I am speaking properly.

My last EMG test was yesterday, after which the doctor said it was all normal. However, I still had to telephone him in the morning to ask him again for reassurance.

I have been seeing a counsellor, who has explained that it seems I have issues with the need for reassurance and OCD and that is going really well! However, I still cant stop myself questioning tests and doctors, despite how many consultations I have.

I didn't realise how anxiety can make your symptoms feel so real!! I also didn't realise how dangerous Dr Google was!!

It would be good to hear from others in the same boat - I'm sure I'm in the right place for it!



08-08-13, 16:44
Right here with you. Only about 2 months in, myself, but I'm on the panic attack funboat due to weird unexplained and uncertainly diagnosed symptoms. I instantly jump to the worst possibility, and have consequently lost the ability to recognise normal problems. I can't tell when I'm hungry or tired or need to sneeze or hiccup or cough or experiencing normal heartburn or allergy-related difficulty breathing. It all just goes into a non-specific "wrong" pot and I go all OHMYGODWHATISWRONGWITHMEEEE.

I'm having real symptoms, too. Headaches, dizziness, "weird feeling in my head" (that I fail, constantly, to satisfactorily explain to my doctors), and stuff. But. Mainly the problem is that every funny feeling I get is followed by this incredible sinking feeling of terror that it probably means I'm about to keel over dead any second.

I'm in the process of getting to see someone for the panic attacks (though it's taking bloody ages...called last week, received appointment to receive call to register, which happened today, made appointment for "phone assessment" which isn't happening til the end of the month, so who knows when I'll actually get to see someone in person!), while also visiting the doctor periodically to try to figure out what's causing the dizziness and headaches and "weird feeling" as I can't see any way the panic attacks are causing it ALL, as they're a RESPONSE to the symptoms. Inner ear infection is the latest possible diagnosis. Antibiotics halfway done, so we'll see if they help. Headache clinic next, and MRI if I can convince the doc to refer me for one.

I'm trying to avoid Dr. Google, as he's got me in a panic over dying of undiagnosed hypoglycaemia at the moment.

What do other people do for excitement?

09-08-13, 20:07
I too just recently started suffering from health anxiety. The feeling of omg I'm going to "keel over dead" I get pain in my arm and think I'm going to have a heart attack. Why do I have unexplained pain in my arm? It doesn't make sense to me! It shouldn't be happening. I am only 36. I have aches and pains all the time that are unexplained. Why? Dr. Google is my best friend also. Unfortunately, I can't stay away from it. Even when I try to do something different change my surroundings all the thoughts stay with me.

Wanted to say hello and I think a lot of us are in the same boat. Hopefully this helps me, and u guys too!