View Full Version : Sex headache??

08-08-13, 17:31
I am 26 and last night whilst having sex in point of climax i got a massive sudden sharp pain in the back left hand side of my head.
It was so bad i had to sit bolt up right and hold my head in my hands. Then i did the worst thing in the world i googled and omg im now thinking brain tumour, burst blood vessel and scared to death, im also scared to climax now in case it happens again.
Anyone had this

08-08-13, 18:00

This is quite common - scroll down to the bottom and you will see similar threads

08-08-13, 19:52
Happens to my wife now and then and we have been together for 20 years. She is fine and it normal though unpleasant

08-08-13, 20:07
I get this too and also head rush afterwards like I feel as though I will pass out but I don't. Always wondered if it was normal.