View Full Version : advice

18-10-06, 16:30
Hi have just joined after being recommended this site, I have just been diagnosed with health anxiety, I currently am worried about having a brain tumour and DVT, though each day it could be a number of things i think i have got, has got so bad that I don't know if the symptoms of pins and needles down one side, headaches, dizziness, blurred vision are the anxiety or a brain tumour. Can't think rationally, eat or sleep, i seem to be in a never ending cycle of worry and its having such an impact on family life, have got so bad i hate being alone with my children incase i collapse, have been to doctors and although she has not done any test she insists nothing is wrong except anxiety. I really need some advice as i want to try and get back to normality.



18-10-06, 16:56
Hi Sharon,

Have you read the main site contents? I found they were unbelievably helpful in explaining what these unusual feelings were! I first thought I was having a stroke!

Have you had your eyes tested recently? It may be these feelings are being brought on by either needing glasses or changing the prescription if you already have them?

Mo x

Never play leapfrog with a unicorn......

18-10-06, 17:38
Hi sharon,your symptoms sound very much like anxiety pet.You will get some greatadvise here,its so helpfull.
take care;)

Ellen XX

18-10-06, 19:03
Hi Sharon !

A BIG warm welcome to you ! Lovely to see you here, im sure you will get lots of good advice and make new friends here.

Your symptoms are all classic Anxiety Symptoms, so try not to worry hun. Im sure the doctor is right about you suffering anxiety ,As your Doctor suggested any treatment for you? medication or councilling?



18-10-06, 19:13
Hi Sharon and welcome :)
Definitely read the health worries section on the main page of the site.
Also it might help to search thru old posts because there are lots of people here who have felt the way you do right now. It's always brought me some comfort and calmed my fears a little to see that I'm not alone and that other people have felt the way I feel.

18-10-06, 19:35
Hi Sharon.

A warm welcome to the site. You will find some great help and advice here. glad to have you on board. Yes please read the main site. I'm sure it will b of great help to you.

Take care,


18-10-06, 20:19
Hi Sharon,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

18-10-06, 22:24
Hi Sharon and welcome. You are not alone in feeling the way you do lots of people worry about having a brain tumour when they get anxiety symptoms. You'll find lots of help and support here

Take care

'This too will pass'

19-10-06, 09:24
Thank you all for your replies. Its nice to know other people are feeling the same, you can feel so cut off and alone and feel that people do not understand you. Have been to the doctors and have some citalopram medication so will see if that helps, has any one else had this prescribed.
regards to you all

19-10-06, 09:46
Hi Sharon,

A big warm welcome to you.

Take Care


19-10-06, 19:27
Hi - i had exactly the same problem....aparently the pins and needles are down to hyperventilating throughout the day which leads to a build up and then an attack. I ended up paying to have a scan which came back completely clear (has cost me a fortune) but gave me peace of mind (until i found something else to worry about)......i know how you feel it's horrible....

19-10-06, 19:56
Hi and welcome this site is excellent and WILL help!!!