View Full Version : Stomach bug or food poisoning???or

08-08-13, 20:43
when I woke up this morning I had to rush to loo and had d ( can't spell!) but felt okay and was fine all day until teatime when I suddenly couldn't face thought of food and had to keep rushing to loo over and over. sorry for tmi but its very loose but not got to the water stage. If i Have so much as a mouthful of food or drink then I get really bad gripy abdo cramps and off to the loo again.

I don't as yet have a temp or feel very sick or ache.

So three things - I have taken pepcid for stomach acid for over 20 eyars and my gp wanted me to try omeprazole. I took one tablet on tuesday but decided I wanted to stay on my pepcid so only took the one omeprazole and back to normal meds yesterday. I would have thought if it was side effect of omeprazole it would have happened on either tuesday or wed bu tnot waited till today?
I ate ice cream on tuesday evening and was a bit concerned at the hygeine as it was soft scoop and very soft and the man was using same water for his scoop for everyone, my hubby had one as well but different tub of ice cream?
If it is a gastric bug I would expect to be very sick and fever as well?

My husband reaction is poor you , could be a bug or something you ate but not worried as these things happen.

My reaction is galloping food poisoning or bowel cancer!!!!!!!!!!!

08-08-13, 22:15
I think that sounds like a slight intolerance to something you have eaten.

09-08-13, 05:19
Sounds like an intolerance to me too. I would advice staying away from anything sugary or dairy for a bit and get some probiotics to get good bacteria back into your gut.

09-08-13, 11:45
Think its looking more like a bug or something I ate as by late last night I had started to feel sick if I so much as thought about food. I forced down a digestive biscuit this mornng but the smell of my husbands coffee nearly floored me! I've still got noisy, grumbling gripy abdo pains and have had two very loose bowel movements this morning so far. Will have to wait and see what happens over the day.

If I am no better by Monday i will see my Dr to get tested for food poisoning just in case.