View Full Version : Dizziness and facial numbness ruining my life

08-08-13, 20:52

I am so fed up, I've had CBT and a MRI and ECG but I'm still getting vertigo type dizziness and my face keeps going numb and tingly...

I try to practice breathing techniques but sometimes lying down and relaxing makes me feel worse .

I feel like I'm spinning in circles when I lye down its driving me insane...

I've tried to distract myself and try new things but I get dizzy and it ruins everything..

I am honestly fed up and really don't know what to do..

08-08-13, 21:06
Could you have benign paroximal vertigo that hapens when you have your head in certain positions?? Have you had an ENT appt??
It sounds as if you have had anything nasty ruled out with mri etc so maybe its down to something relatively minor medically.
I have dizziness and vertigo due to problem in my neck so can truly appreciate how awful you are feeling.

08-08-13, 21:30
I've seen an ENT and he says I've got a nystagmus but vertically and his done a test and he doesn't think it's BPPV... I'm seeing a vertigo specialist on Monday so hoping for some answers... I'm not sure if its neck related as my neck really aches when the dizziness and numbness happens.

I am petrified its a seizure to be honest :(

08-08-13, 22:02
Necks have a huge effect on our balance as there are balance receptors in the bones and muscles of the neck and all sorts of reasons can cause them to send wonky messages to our inner ears. I have severe arthritis and a collapsed disc at base of my neck and I am constatly unsteady and get bad vertigo.

I would certainly mention your neck pain