View Full Version : Im new! High esr?

08-08-13, 22:01
Hi I came back from my doctors on tuesday after a blood test, everything was alright except for a really high Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, he asked me if i had been ill recently, which i havent, and he asked me if i was taking any medication, which im also not, im also not taking any unprescribed medication. He said my thyroid is fine, blood count is fine, haemoglobin is fine, kidney nad liver function is fine. Not suffering from any water infections. he told me to come back to him in a month and to keep an eye on my symptoms... Trouble is it has worried me, so i searched into it, I remember on the screen it said ESR 62 in bright red letters.

But i got to searching about it online last night, and i come across something which was interesting, apparently the Erythrocyte sedimentation rate can be higher if a woman is pregnant. Me and my partner are currently trying to conceive, and i was meant to start my period this morning (usually pretty regular) but it never arrived. I didnt think i would need to tell the doctor about it, but now im kind of wishing i did, I havent taken a test because i think i have just read some wrong information, does anyone have an idea if the ESR levels can be affected by early pregnancy or am i just clutching at straws?? Racking my brains out!! :unsure:

09-08-13, 23:30
clutching at straws it is... wow 71 views and not even one hello... Hmmm

09-08-13, 23:36
I just wanted to say Hi and :welcome:

10-08-13, 00:12
Sorry can't help really as I am not sure what a Erythrocyte sedimentation rate is.

but just want to say hello and welcome you to NMP, hopefully someone will have an answer for you soon.

10-08-13, 00:23
I know about ESR readings but not in reference to being pregnant