View Full Version : Speaking issues, burning tongue

08-08-13, 23:49
Anyone had this. I'm not slurring any words as such, but it just feels like my tongue is getting in the way of saying certain words. My tongue also feels like its burning. I've seen two neurologists about it and they think it is due to anxiety, as my tests came back negative for nerve damage etc. it's really strange!

Also, when I was going for my test I was really really nervous, and I found my tongue was burning like crazy! However, now ive found out my tests are normal, it's not burning much at all today. Seems like anxiety is the link. My speaking still feels funny though.

09-08-13, 13:28
I've been getting this lately and it sucks so bad.

Look up burning mouth syndrome, do you find your tongue burning is better in the morning then gets worse throughout the day?

Try chewing gum, it helps me. Its apparently related to anxiety...

How old are you if you mind me asking?

09-08-13, 13:40
Hi thanks for the reply. I'm 39. I hadn't though about chewing gum, I will try that. I do feel my symptoms get worse as the day goes on, but they also grt worse when I worry.

In terms of the speaking thing, I seem to be overly thinking about my words, rather than letting it happen naturally, which makes me feel like my tongue is getting in the way of things. Do you get this also?

09-08-13, 19:14
Can someone help me please?

I've had these symptoms for about a month now. Basically, it feels like my tongue is getting in the way of me saying certain words. I'm not slurring my words, its just feels like its catching on my teeth (so to speak) when I say certain words. I am also very conscious of speaking now and I am concentrating on nearly every word I say and how it feels when I say it.

Obviously, after asking the dreaded Dr Google (something I have now stopped!), I've been obsessing about motor neurone disease. However, I've been to see a neurologist who is an expert in this field and he has examined my tongue and speech and said he cannot find anything wrong with it and he does not believe it is MND. He also sent me for an EMG of the tongue and neck, which all came back normal. The person doing the EMG test also said it is not MND, otherwise it would show up on the tests. The neurologist has also examined my whole body and said he cannot find any evidence of MND, and I have also had an EMG of my muscles from calves to shoulders, and the person doing the EMG said it is "definitely not MND".

However, I still have this weird feeling with my tongue and speaking which I cannot explain. Please can anyone shed any light on it. Can this be anxiety? I definitely have HA, because this is the latest in a long line of doctors visits and specialists visits, for various diseases. However, this just doesn't feel right and surely it would have gone after a month if it were just anxiety?

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

10-08-13, 00:04
Well it sound like your tongue is healthy, no swelling, lumps, soreness or symptoms the doctors can find, so that is a good thing.

Have you been to a dentist? I wonder if it might be TMJ? As that can tense up your tongue muscles making speech feel harder and strange.

Have you gone to ENT and had the whole length of your tongue and throat checked out?

What do you mean catching on your teeth? Maybe your teeth have shifted? So a dentist might be able to help?

10-08-13, 00:09
Might be burning tongue, I get it on the corner of my lips and it's almost painful.

Have you checked for yeast as that can often burn your tongue, even if you didn't have a white coating I would still consider taking a pill like the Canesteen oral pill. Have you been on antibiotics? They say when yeast over grows in your system it can cause all sorts of symptoms.

Another thing that seems to help with lots of things is apple cider vinegar.

Have you noticed anything that triggers off the burning?

If you focus on anything it will feel weird, next time you are walking, really focus on it and you'll notice it feels strange and will be harder to walk.

10-08-13, 08:54
Well it sound like your tongue is healthy, no swelling, lumps, soreness or symptoms the doctors can find, so that is a good thing.

Have you been to a dentist? I wonder if it might be TMJ? As that can tense up your tongue muscles making speech feel harder and strange.

Have you gone to ENT and had the whole length of your tongue and throat checked out?

What do you mean catching on your teeth? Maybe your teeth have shifted? So a dentist might be able to help?

Hi, thanks for your reply. I have been to the ENT (not for this though) he scoped my throat because of my lump sensation in the neck, but could not find anything.

I'm not sure about the feeling I get with my tongue and teeth really, it's hard to describe. It just feels like I am more concious of my tongue when I speek, and where it touches my mouth/teeth when saying certain words. Some words like 'okay' and 'bay' feel different when I am says them. They don't sound different, and indont have trouble pronouncing them, they just feel different when I'm saying them. It's really odd.

---------- Post added at 08:54 ---------- Previous post was at 08:50 ----------

Might be burning tongue, I get it on the corner of my lips and it's almost painful.

Have you checked for yeast as that can often burn your tongue, even if you didn't have a white coating I would still consider taking a pill like the Canesteen oral pill. Have you been on antibiotics? They say when yeast over grows in your system it can cause all sorts of symptoms.

Another thing that seems to help with lots of things is apple cider vinegar.

Have you noticed anything that triggers off the burning?

If you focus on anything it will feel weird, next time you are walking, really focus on it and you'll notice it feels strange and will be harder to walk.

Hi there, thanks for replying.

I have read about burning mouth syndrome and I think the main thing that triggers it off seems to be stress. After having normal test results, things seem to have calmed down a bit. I was also getting a strange taste on my tongue, which also seems to have gone for now.

I have not been checked for yeast and I do have a slightly white coating on my tongue, although not a really white tongue like some of the pics I've seen. If inks still there next week, I will go back to the doc and ask about yeast. Cheers.

10-08-13, 16:28
Hi so glad I have found this thread, hope you are feeling a bit better by now, I have been suffering from a burning mouth for a few weeks now, starts off ok in the morning and gradually gets worse through the day. I have been to the GP who could not see a great deal wrong but did say I had a slight white coating on my tongue (did not say if it was thrush or not) but gave me some nystan drops to put on my tongue 4 times a day. Chewing gum helps and I have also been having natural yoghurt to see if it helps calm the burning down ( not sure if this is the right thing to do or not ). I have been looking at burning mouth syndrome as well and it can be stress and anxiety related and like you I have had the all clear from the dentist and GP regarding the look of my mouth and tongue. Hope all goes well for you. :flowers:

10-08-13, 19:26
Hi all,

I have had this (whatever it is!!) Since March this year.I'm at the end of my tether with it.
My psych doc says is anxiety because I am blaming the meds she put me on(now finished)but they should be well and truly out of my system.. I then thought amalgam fillings but dentist said they looked fine(no leaking)I the went to my gp she basically said she never heard of burning mouth syndrome(waste of time) she gave me difflam mouthwash. weeks pasts just putting up with it. Again fed up with it and really uncomfortable, I see another gp I suggested candida to her she said doesn't look like it but gave nystatin a week after using the drops still there!! This time back to doc's letter to see oral consultant private £200 just to be told there is nothing wrong with my tongue or teeth and again anxiety!

My symptoms are ..
Taste in mouth. Not sure what, at first it was metallic now I can't even say what!
Front teeth. It's like a nerve sensation not toothache
gums on inside of top part of mouth round my teeth feel sore like there very slightly swollen with a taste if I touch them with my tongue.
Sometimes on eating I can bite the side of my tongue
Mine start with th taste as soon as I wake, the others then come along. All day everyday.

So guys those with it , do you suffer anxiety? I do
When my anxiety was sky high last year I didn't have this!!! And it's lower now and I got it??
Does any of your symptoms sound like mine,perhaps you can describe them better than I do!!
Please let me know, I would be interest to know as ANYBODY GOT RID OF THIS


Ps I've also read about geographical tongue??? Very similar ?

10-08-13, 23:38
Yes I get most of these symptoms, but I feel like I am catching my tongue when speaking rather than eating.

I get the taste thing too, not metallic, more like bitter, but again not exactly that. It's really difficult to explain it.

Not sure what to do about it, so I might go back to the GP next week if it does not stop.

11-08-13, 00:19
I had the tongue sensation a few times on and off
when you say its like your tongue feels different when you are speaking is like the mouth ulsa thing where when you find you have it you then constantly run your tongue over it don't you
I feel that this is all it was with me and also I have read on here a point about you holding your tongue strangely when you are anxious without even realising like holding it in the roof or your mouth and I realised I do do this
I went to the gp who looked and said it was fine
I know health anxiety is bad being a suffer myself but if you have had all these tests and they are all ok then when will you be able to stop and what else do you think it could be ?

frosty xx

11-08-13, 09:23
I had the tongue sensation a few times on and off
when you say its like your tongue feels different when you are speaking is like the mouth ulsa thing where when you find you have it you then constantly run your tongue over it don't you
I feel that this is all it was with me and also I have read on here a point about you holding your tongue strangely when you are anxious without even realising like holding it in the roof or your mouth and I realised I do do this
I went to the gp who looked and said it was fine
I know health anxiety is bad being a suffer myself but if you have had all these tests and they are all ok then when will you be able to stop and what else do you think it could be ?

frosty xx

Thanks Frosty. I agree with you. It seems like I have tests done and then for a few days after the test my anxiety feels better and then it starts setting in again. I think things like "what if the dr was wrong, or what if there was something wrong with the test" etc etc. My problem is I have this feeling in my tongue when I speak and I find it difficult to accept that it is just down to HA. I get into a bit of a 'spin' with thoughts and trying to resist asking Dr Google, which means my only other avenue for answers is going to the experts.