View Full Version : maybe cancer help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-08-13, 06:16
seeing eye floaters (cobweb)

feeling like i have IBS

pains in arms
left arm hurts on and off

headaches up to pain lvl 8

rash like shingles or something looks like it's going away

shaking feeling like i'm having a heart attack

stomach cramps minor on and off not everyday

not knowing when i'm hungry

not gaing butnot losing any wight and if i do lose it's only a pound in like a day or 2

hearing lost now and then

face aches on and off

stiff back on and off

thrombosed hemorrhoids

sharp shooting pains in my head (seems to got a bit better)


chest pains on and off

heartburn on and off but a bit often

acid reflux on and off but mostly if i eat late at night or something spicy
or if i over eat

sweating but my body temp will still be cold.

does this sound like cancer? help!!!!!!!! Please!!!!!!!!!!

09-08-13, 06:30
You have described everything that has been happening to me for the past year aside from shingles, and I know I am all right, hang in ther. Anxiety is a beast and can cause every single thing you posted. And more.

09-08-13, 06:44
I do think it's anxiety the rash could be from my meds (bactrim DS)
you even had hemorrhoids? the reason a asked cuz that scared me the most:hugs:

09-08-13, 16:24
I have had most of your symptoms and I have GERD and IBS. The IBS can aggravate hemorrhoids. Try to get some xanax or something like that to break the cycle that is punishing you right now. I have dealt with HA for 20 years and I have literally posted hundreds of symptoms on this site. We are here to help. For me keeping a symptoms log helps so that I can look it over when something comes back up. Be very detailed so that you can reference in the future. Also I take daily fibre for my IBS and it helps immensely. It takes a few days to keep in but it has been a sanity saver.


09-08-13, 17:16
thank you so it don't sound like cancer?

09-08-13, 17:35
We can't diagnose cancer for you.

Imagine if we said No it isn't and it was!

You need to get a medical opinion on that one.

09-08-13, 17:45
I agree, I understand that. I'm getting checked. I just asking if it sound like cancer to you I'm not asking for your diagnosis just what you think I'm getting checked next Wednesday


09-08-13, 20:47
It will be much more beneficial for you to wait until you have your appointment with your doctor, who will be able to help you.

As Nic has rightly said, we cannot diagnose illnesses here, we're not medically qualified so all that we'd be doing would be guessing, and that is not going to help you at all.

It's perfectly fine to come on NMP and let us know that you're needing help with your anxiety or panic because you're frightened of health issues, as that is the sort of help, advice and support that we can give you, but only your doctor can help with anything physical :)

Just a little friendly tip for you..........

Your subject title is rather alarming, that wont help you either cos all you're doing is scaring yourself and alarming yourself and, although I know that you wouldn't want to, but you could be frightening and alarming others here too :)

09-08-13, 21:11
oh I didn't think about that but i scared my self and i was freaking out I didn't want a diagnosis I was just wondering if someone else was have the same issue just for support
and yes I will keep my appointment sorry if i scared anyone