View Full Version : 2 different kinds of anxiety... Is it ALL anxiety?

09-08-13, 07:16
I keep having weird episodes where I suddenly will feel a bit lightheaded, then I will become panicked and hot, nauseous, weak. I feel like i should call for help and get anxious about not doing it fast enough (though i've never done it.)

It starts when I think anxious thoughts like "what if I just dropped dead?" In this state I have a hard time functioning, I feel irritable, my neck or head hurts, and I feel a dull pressure in my forehead & behind my eyes. It makes me feel out of control, like nothing/no one could help me. i cant sit down and watch a movie or read a book in this condition. When it calms down, I feel very fatigued but relaxed and relieved.

Other times I have a different feeling; I want to yell out the most offensive thing in the moment, or scream, and the both thoughts makes me really anxious but the symptoms are just mental, not physical in this type of "attack"

What's going on here, can anyone relate? Is it muscle tension, high anxiety?

09-08-13, 10:44
Yes that's all anxiety. It effects us in different ways.

09-08-13, 13:19
Hi bless you, yep I got a flash thought earlier of me just falling unconciously to the floor???weired - it frigging annoys me when you go through stuff like this, it's like your on another planet and you feel very close to loosing it!

It definately sounds like anxiety. Evil thing!

Take care x

09-08-13, 14:28
The first bit you described is much like what I used to experience as a kid at the thoughts of 'what happens if I die' and sometimes when I looked in the mirror and thought 'is it really me' I'd feel the same way too. It's really awful and so scary, definitely anxiety related but I don't know exactly what it is and why it happens!

09-08-13, 15:16
I have an irrational fear of death and if i start thinking about it I could go into a complete panic. I also get this hot flash that goes through my whole body and it feels like my insides are on fire. So yes i think it is all anxiety that you are feeling. Many times i have told my husband to call an ambulance and he always says that he will in 10 minutes if i still feel like i need it. So far he has never had to call. After the attack is over I always tell myself that next time it happens i will remember the last attack and I will know that it wont kill me. However, when you are in the middle of an attack it is really hard to remember how to talk yourself out of it.