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29-06-04, 21:29
Hi Everyone,

I finally given in and resorted to going to the doctors. They have diagnosed stress related anxiety and panic attacks. This is also why I feel so down. Have been prescribed Paroxetine and diazpam (Diazepam just for 2 weeks to combat inital side effects of paroxetine). Had these before when I suffered and they worked. Only been taking them 1 day and feel better already. I'm going to my mum's tomorrow for a few days to rest. Start my new job Monday so want to be on top form. Doc suggested taking pills up until and after the wedding at end of July. I was so determined to combat it on my own but feel there is nothing wrong with taking medication just to get back on the straight and narrow. It's also made me realise what a good bunch of friends I have too now that I have come clean and explained what is wrong with me. They have been fantastic and want me to get better. Getting things off my chest has helped.

All I can say is that nobody must ever be ashamed to admit how they feel. It's half the battle talking about it to somebody. I have read so many posts on this site which has helped me so much and some great advice.

Em xx :)

29-06-04, 21:46
Hi Em

Great news that you feel better. Don't feel ashamed about taking the meds. I took 2 different kids of anti-depressants over 6 years ago and althought they never touched the panic attacks I do think they helped with the depression.

Good luck with the new job on Monday and I really hope you will be fine there.

You can still do stuff to conquer the panic/anxiety whilst you are on the meds so when you do come off then you can cope better.

Good luck ok and I am so pleased that you have taken positive steps to help you.


29-06-04, 21:52

I'm so so pleased things are looking brighter for you.
I agree its best to tell people although some people dont understand fully.
It definately isn't anything to feel ashamed of.
If you dont mind me asking is your fiance supportive, only mine wasnt?

Keep smiling and be positive!

Have a nice rest at your mum's.


29-06-04, 22:02
HI Emma,

The gold standard for recovery is meds plus CBT.

The meds are there and will mask the symptoms and help you feel able to function again. Please once all your immediate big days are over do take time to work through your issues either with some CBT therapy or by yourself.

Hope you're feeling better soon.

There is certainly nothing wrong is getting help in whatever form that may take for you.


'There can only be true courage when first there is genuine fear'

Dr.David Livingstone

29-06-04, 22:02
Luckily my fiance has been great. We got together when I was recovering from my last bout of it. He knew my ex and that he was the reason behind it all.

He was so worried it was his fault but I've reassured him it's just stress. He doesn't fully understand as he is happy go lucky but he is a tonic for me. Some of his family members have suffered so he has a vague idea.

Sorry you're fiance isn't so supportive. Have you given him any articles to read on the subject? I given my partner some stuff to read so he has some understanding. I think it's harder for blokes to comprehend so don't take it personally if he doesn't understand.

I've seen this as a wake up call that I need to look after myself. My new job has discounted membership to a gym so I will be joining. I'm going to try and relax a lot more and have regular massage. I was meant to do all this months ago and never did. Left it too late. Always thought I never had time. But I will make time now.

Feeling a lot more positive now.

Take care


29-06-04, 22:15
Brilliant decisions Em.

Well done for recognising that you need to take extra care of yourself- its so easy to take meds and think thats it- sorted when the reality is that if you've not made any changes then anxiety can all too often reappear when you come off the meds and face something stressful.


'There can only be true courage when first there is genuine fear'

Dr.David Livingstone

30-06-04, 00:09
That's great, Emma. Good for you :)

I'm still procrastinating about going to see my doctor. The first time around, when this happened (I was about 15), I was marched off there, and he declared there was nothing medically wrong with me, and referred me to a psychologist. I learnt a lot of coping things, but I felt a bit cheated that I wasn't even given the option of something to help me get *to* the psychologist, when I'd just explained that I couldn't even get to school... Now, I'm almost afraid to see my doctor about this relapse. I could do with something to help me through starting my new job, and kick-starting my self-help process, but what worries me is that I'll just get sent back to the psychologist without any talk of medication.

I realise meds aren't a cure, and I'm not suggesting that I need a 'hit' to 'get me through'. I'm battling against feeling a failure for 'giving in' and using meds, and the possibility of not being offered them, and having my last avenue of help closed off to me..

But congrats Emma. I'm so glad your doctor is understanding! :)

~* Do what you want. Nobody else will do it for you *~

30-06-04, 10:40

Sorry to hear of your situation but do not despair.

First time round 3 years ago I hadn't a clue what was wrong with me and they just gave me meds and told me to get on with it. I was devastated as I didn't know what the hell was going on. Luckily my friend took control and marched me off to another doctor who turned out to be fantastic. If you are not happy with your doctor arrange to see another one. Mine sent me on anxiety management courses which really helped because there were other people there in the same position. The tablets helped me get back to normality but I also sorted out my situation which was causing it (the ex-boyfriend!!). I took the meds for a while after and then was fine.

This time round I could feel myself heading towards it because I knew I had stressful times ahead. But at least I was prepared. I was worried about going to the docs because I have moved now but luckily she was great. And the fact that I could tell her that I knew what was wrong was half the battle. I had no worries about taking the pills because I know that the stressful situations are nearly over and these will just help me through it.

Don't feel a failure for giving in. I was determined to get through this without meds but in the end they are just there as an aid to get you back to thinking straight and then dealing with things. They worked for me last time.

I think perhaps last time you went this sort of condition was a bit brushed under the carpet and doctors didn't really know how to help patients. But it is so common now with lives being more stressful that they are a lot better trained.

If you're not happy with the doctors try some of these complimentary health centres which have trained counsellors and complimentary therapies. I'm planning on going to my local one soon.

I hope you get sorted.

Take care

Emma xx