View Full Version : work

09-08-13, 08:35
after my breakdown I have struggled to hold my job down,my anxiety is at its worse at work and im not coping at all.I am so worried of losing my job and letting my family down.
How do others on here cope with holding a job down when suffering from anxiety ? I try to take every day as it comes but find I am finding it increasingly harder.

09-08-13, 10:16
I can't do it. It made me worse.

09-08-13, 10:23
Just like you said - take every day as it comes. In the 8 months my anxiety was really bad, I think I maybe had 2 days off from work. I didn't have any choice but to carry on - I have a mortgage and bills to pay. I struggled, there were tears, I had to take alot of time out away from my desk, there were mistakes and I thought it was going to kill me some days.... but I did it. In hindsight and as bad as it was, work was probably a lifesaver for me. I think if I had curled up in a ball and stayed at home I might still be there! xx

09-08-13, 10:37
I agree staying at home isnt a good solution ,yesterday I opened up to my boss and told him I want to step down as a manger as I cant cope with the stress,I think ive made the right choice.Im hanging in there but finding everyday a battle,im glad I found this site for some support but I wish I could see an end to my problems.I really dont want to end back in hospital and feel work stress is pushing me that way again.This week has been so hard

09-08-13, 10:48
Your health comes first. You have do whatever you feel comfortable with and if stepping down as a manager relieves your stress then it can't be wrong. Was your boss understanding? Don't try to see an end to your problems. The more you think about it, the more you will feel anxious about it. Just go with the flow and try to accept the way you're feeling today, tomorrow, etc. Keep hanging in there. I did and it will pay off! xx

Love your profile picture by the way - that brings back old school memories!

09-08-13, 10:55
Yes he is understanding but im not sure how long I can carry on like this,thanks for your feedback it helps to talk.Im taking half a days holiday now to try and get my head together

09-08-13, 11:00
Good for you. Try not to worry too much about work or anything else for that matter. Just clear your mind and chill out for the afternoon. I think we sometimes put too much pressure on ourselves to 'sort' our heads out (I'm guilty of that) when in reality it adds more pressure. Enjoy! xx

09-08-13, 17:16
Staying at home doesn't help in the long run - I did it for 6 months when I was signed off sick and ended up alienating myself from my friends and developing mild agoraphobia. My old job was the cause of a lot of my anxiety - pulled up for disciplinary proceedings for my time off sick, a boss who took away a lot of my responsibility, refused to let me work from home and made my life a misery. I quit in the end, and I'm now self-employed: I choose my own hours and I can work from home a lot of the time. Is this something you can do at all?

09-08-13, 17:30
hi emily i think now i have stepped down some pressure will be taken away or i hope so.THis week has been very challenging but somehow I keep going.
my new role will mean i am out visiting customers which I used to enjoy a lot
thanks for replying

14-08-13, 01:26
Just like you said - take every day as it comes. In the 8 months my anxiety was really bad, I think I maybe had 2 days off from work. I didn't have any choice but to carry on - I have a mortgage and bills to pay. I struggled, there were tears, I had to take alot of time out away from my desk, there were mistakes and I thought it was going to kill me some days.... but I did it. In hindsight and as bad as it was, work was probably a lifesaver for me. I think if I had curled up in a ball and stayed at home I might still be there! xx

This is so true. The worse thing anyone can do with anxiety is give up work " work maketh man" without it we cannot develop and if we are not moving forwards we are moving backwards. A job no matter how small and insignificant will help anyone get out of the cycle.


14-08-13, 19:11
after my breakdown I have struggled to hold my job down,my anxiety is at its worse at work and im not coping at all.I am so worried of losing my job and letting my family down.
How do others on here cope with holding a job down when suffering from anxiety ? I try to take every day as it comes but find I am finding it increasingly harder.


I've been in a similar situation before. It's tough going but I would say try and keep going but if the anxiety is ruining your health then I would say go to your GP for advice. I agree with try and take every day as it comes although I sometimes know this is harder said than done. I know how you feel. :)