View Full Version : Off balance with dizzy spells brain Tumor? Bleed? Help :(

09-08-13, 12:32
Right so I've wrote in here a few times but this is my main problem and it frightens the life outta me! I'm only 17! About 2 weeks before I'm due to be on my period I suffe with head aches dizzy spells and a feelin of bein off balance like when in stood up I feel asthough I'm going to fall over at any minute and also when I'm stood still I feel wobbly it really freaks me out, I sometimes get this when I'm no where best due to my period doctors don't seem concerned atall but I'm worried does anyone else get this? And can anyone help? Thanks xxx

*Fallen Angel*
09-08-13, 12:49
I suffer with dizziness on and off and it's horrible so you have my utmost sympathy. You really need to go back to your drs to push for some tests/treatment. Don't suffer in silence!

09-08-13, 14:18
I've had blood tests and all that they can't find anything because its always near my period they've put it down to that but it still worrys me xx

merlin 1232
09-08-13, 15:28
I used to get all of the same symptoms as you when i had a period, it is all hormonal. If you worry it makes things worse. Try Evening Primrose on a regular basis it does help.:D

09-08-13, 15:40
Thank you ill get some and try it the drs said hormones and periods can cause alot of things just wanted to see if anyone else suffers with the same thing xxx