View Full Version : Why on earth have I done this

09-08-13, 14:02
I feel so stupid right now! my doctor gave me some diazepam yesterday to calm me down until my counselling starts. I been thinking today I am so cross with myself for all the hours and hours of research I have done online regarding my symptoms and self diagnosing advanced cancer! why have I put all this information into my mind and linking my symptoms? why haven't I just listened to the doctors? ignorance really is bliss and I've gone and ruined it. I probably don't have cancer but now it's inevitable I will have to have test after test to rule it out cos it's at the back of my mind. I had a screaming match with my GP yesterday and he sent me for some blood tests as a last straw and told me these 'new' tests will show something up if there is anything wrong. He said he would phone me last night if something was wrong and I haven't heard so guess that's good news. I have calmed down a bit and I think I can at least try move on until my CT scan but just why oh why did I put all this information in my mind??? even if it turned out I had cancer in a few weeks time, I've done myself no favours by reading so much! wish I could forget everything ! does anyone else wish they just hadn't read into stuff?

09-08-13, 14:26
Yes same here wish I hadn't read all the stuff I had, but unfortunately in my profession I have to read about it all :( you are not alone. :hugs:

09-08-13, 14:38

The haematologist is a specialist in blood tests. You are in the hands of them just now. If there is somethig in the bloods they will find it.

09-08-13, 14:51
Well that depends on how you look at Google information.

I read the symptoms then realise that I DONT have most of them so then in my head I decide I DONT have the illness. You could try looking at it in the same way....it may help alleviate your fears.


09-08-13, 14:54
Oh yes - I've been there so many times. Mine started of perfectly innocently trying to find out the best way to cure my headache. By the time I'd finished I had a tumour, MS, ALS & the symptoms of a pending stroke... and a million other symptoms because I'd gotten so worked up. Those symptoms and every single word I had read stayed with me for months and months. I knew about diseases and illnesses that I never knew existed. That stays with you for a long time!

09-08-13, 16:21
My auntie suffered health anxiety for 5 years she told me a few weeks ago she's so glad the Internet wasn't around back then she said she would of been destroyed she said Victoria you cause it all yourself you should only put in your mind what you want in there I've read so much stuff that each time I get a symptom I no what to link it to without even looking on google I haven't googled for such a long time so now I'm flickin back and forth throat cancer and brain tumour feeling sad today real real sad
Best wishes Vicky

09-08-13, 20:26
My auntie suffered health anxiety for 5 years she told me a few weeks ago she's so glad the Internet wasn't around back then she said she would of been destroyed she said Victoria you cause it all yourself you should only put in your mind what you want in there I've read so much stuff that each time I get a symptom I no what to link it to without even looking on google I haven't googled for such a long time so now I'm flickin back and forth throat cancer and brain tumour feeling sad today real real sad
Best wishes Vicky

thanks vicky...your auntie sounds like a character

09-08-13, 21:06
Darren don't start beating yourself up about it :)

It is a very, very easy habit to get into and is soooo very tempting if you suffer with health anxiety.

I think things were much better years ago before all this information was so freely available.

Before the internet, it was health books, like "illness bibles" and symptom checkers and the like.

My sister, who actually doesn't suffer from health anxiety, but she is a nervous and anxious person, read one to those books years ago and managed to convince herself that she had mulitple sclerosis!!!

She was in such a state that I had to take her to her GP where he promptly told her that she didn't!!! But she had to here those words from her doctor, she wouldn't accept them from me or anyone else.

When we got back to her house, my ex hubby got hold of that book, took it into the garden and burned it!!!! lol

I suffer from agoraphobia so I have different fears to you, but they are fears all the same, I have one amazing imagination too, have done since I was a child and, believe me, my mind can come up with some real interesting rubbish!!!!! lol

I really do feel for people with health anxiety nowadays because all this health stuff is shoved in our faces from just about every direction, don't eat this, don't do that, if you do that, this will happen, if you eat that, you'll get this........and on and on and on it goes!!!!

And you know what Darren, to be perfectly honest with you, I wouldn't mind betting that every single one of us has a tiny bit of health anxiety in one way or another, it's because we're all being tuned into all the time :)

You will get better though, and this will all pass eventually Darren, it will just take time and a little work from you but you will get there :)

12-08-13, 10:14
thank you as always auntiemoosie :)

ct scan on thursday

12-08-13, 20:12
You're more than welcome anytime Darren :)

I hope it all goes well for you on Thursday, I'm sure it will and please pop back and let us know how you got on :)