View Full Version : Eye floaters?

09-08-13, 16:38
I've never really researched eye floaters but have just stumpled upon it and I think I have it... I'm really worried now!

Whenever I look up into the sky in daylight I get these little round see-through looking things that start at the top of where I'm looking and slowly fall downwards... is this eye floaters? Is it normal to have this at 20? I feel sick with worry now. What does it mean? Is there something wrong with me/my eyes???

I've just read that something can detatch from your eye and you go blind!!!!! So scared please help!!!

09-08-13, 16:45

Yes they are floaters and it is very common to get them at any age. I remember as a kid I always had them always chasing them around.

I have loads now and I'm 41 but I have had them all through life.
They are nothing to worry about unless they cover a large area of your field of vision, I had a major eye check up beginning of the year and my I mentioned the floaters at the hospital when having my eyes check out and they just said that it is a normal occurrence.

So nothing to worry about

09-08-13, 17:51

Yes they are floaters and it is very common to get them at any age. I remember as a kid I always had them always chasing them around.

I have loads now and I'm 41 but I have had them all through life.
They are nothing to worry about unless they cover a large area of your field of vision, I had a major eye check up beginning of the year and my I mentioned the floaters at the hospital when having my eyes check out and they just said that it is a normal occurrence.

So nothing to worry about

Thanks so much for this, it's made me feel much better. Just calming down now from the panic & upset. Got an appointment booked for next week to get it checked out, I just hope I can keep calm until then.

09-08-13, 17:56
Dead right most people have them , and notice them more when we're anxious.

09-08-13, 18:32
Dead right most people have them , and notice them more when we're anxious.

Thank you Ronno, I've had them a while actually, thought nothing of them/thought they were normal, it wasn't until today that I realised what they were, read up on it and immediately panicked about going blind, that's my worst fear!

09-08-13, 19:28
I always get floaters when looking up into the sky, I think everyone does!

Have a look at something in your home, which is dark and does not hold any light, such your carpet or a wall and you will probably find the floaters will go away.

09-08-13, 19:59
eye floaters was one of the first symptoms I had when I got Health and anxiety

09-08-13, 22:09
I'm 20 and also have an eye floater in my right eye. My eye doctor checked it out 3 years ago and told me its normal. So don't worry about it. :)

09-08-13, 23:01
i always get them to just another symptom of anxiety!

10-08-13, 17:46
Thanks everyone, you have all really helped put my mind at rest! That was my first major health anxiety blip for a couple of years now, reminds me of how awful health anxiety is. I can deal with most things now but my eyesight I just can't control the anxiety over that. Feeling much better today, still going to go for the appointment as I'm due a checkup anyway so hopefully all will be OK, thanks again!

10-08-13, 17:52
It's really fascinating that a lot of us have the floaters. I know that most people have them, but it seems like the HA just makes us so much more worried about them. They were one of the things that triggered my HA...