View Full Version : I am convinced I have lung cancer

09-08-13, 16:52
Hi everyone this is my first post here. I am 33 years old and have had anxiety for the past 9 years. I started having pain under my left ribs about six years ago. I went to dr who did upper gi. The results were normal. I then went to gastro and she did upper endoscopy. It said my stomach was red, inflamed with excess mucus. I got aspiration pneumonia from the procedure and they did ct scan when I was sent to hospital with fever and chills after procedure. I went home a week later with a prescription of Prilosec. I was never even told what the results meant. Well I freaked out a couple of times after that visit thinking I was having a heart attack. I was given a chest ct. It was normal. I stopped going to drs because I didn't realize how much radiation is in these tests. I have since developed upper back pain only on my left side. The chest and back pain have been with me for all these years. I tried to just expect them and stop dr shopping. ( I had all heart tests too, they were fine) well now to the present day. Still have pain under left rib that wraps around to back, upper back pain on left side. Now I have this low grumbling sound that seems to be coming from lower left lung. I am beside myself. I can't focus. I know I have lung cancer!!

I get a lot if mucus after I eat. Like I need to clear my throat sometimes I have to cough. But I don't have a regular cough only if I eat a lot of food or fast food etc. what in the work is this purring sound! When I looked up chest pain back pain and wheezing lung cancer comes up. I am terrified. Both my grandfathers died of lung cancer five years ago and my mom had lung cancer five years ago and is still living. Anyone please respond.

09-08-13, 16:55
I think i have too . burning all over chest for 3 months stabbing pain under armpit and l breast..smoker of 20 years 37 years old, not a heavy smoker

09-08-13, 17:21
I'm convinced I have some type of cancer .

seeing eye floaters (cobweb)

feeling like i have IBS

pains in arms
left arm hurts on and off

headaches up to pain lvl 8

rash like shingles or something looks like it's going away

shaking feeling like i'm having a heart attack

stomach cramps minor on and off not everyday

not knowing when i'm hungry

not gaing butnot losing any wight and if i do lose it's only a pound in like a day or 2

hearing lost now and then

face aches on and off

stiff back on and off

thrombosed hemorrhoids

sharp shooting pains in my head (seems to got a bit better)


chest pains on and off

heartburn on and off but a bit often

acid reflux on and off but mostly if i eat late at night or something spicy
or if i over eat

sweating but my body temp will still be cold.

does this sound like cancer?

09-08-13, 17:59
Anxiety man. Everything is too scattered for me to think cancer. I would go to dr. Explain symptoms, maybe a physical with blood work. So you can get some relief, but no it doesn't sound like cancer.

---------- Post added at 16:59 ---------- Previous post was at 16:25 ----------

No one :weep:

09-08-13, 18:12
thank you I do have an appointment the Wednesday

09-08-13, 18:19
Could it all be coming from your spine?? I have problems with my spine and I get a huge amount of pain under and around my ribs and have done for past 15 years at least, so whatever it is I am still here!

Have you seen a chiropractor or osteopath about this pain as it may just need some manual treatment to improve. My rib pain improves when I have treatment but never goes away totally but the fact it improves with treatment shows its all musculo/skeletal in origin.

09-08-13, 18:54
I thought pain was digestive but after wheezing like noise I now think lungs. Is it possible to have cancer for that long and not be dead? How would I know if its muscular