View Full Version : Best Medication For Anxiety?

09-08-13, 18:19
Sorry everyone, messed up the other post, anyway....

I know there isn't a one size fits all rule with medications or one wonder drug that works for everyone & that one drug may work for one person but not another, but I just wanted to know what medication works/worked best for your anxiety? In particular GAD, SA, Panic, Phobias etc.

I know there's the medication section of the forum I could look under and see which drug is most popular but that just shows which is prescribed most, I really want to know which one is most effective/which one works the best.

My anxiety is really crippling now, I've had enough, but I want to make sure I do my research before heading to the doctors office so I have some knowledge behind me and can make the right decision with my doctor.

I've put a poll up to make it easier (reason why I messed up the last post :roflmao:) adding the main ones that I know of, any help would be great.

Thanks in advance x

09-08-13, 20:01
Like you said, what works for one person doesn't always work for another so it is hard to say which one is the best. I don't take any of the ones you have listed. The only ones that work for me are tricylics and I take Dosulepin.

09-08-13, 20:13
There is no best medication for anxiety. We each have different needs and react in our own way to meds.
You really cannot decide which drug you take based on a poll or what works for other people.

btw, the drug I take is not in your list and it works well for me.

09-08-13, 20:27
I don't take any of the ones on your list as I can't tolerate SSRI/SNRI meds, I'm on Trazodone which is a tricyclic

09-08-13, 21:43
Im on 250ml trazadone at night and 5 mg olanzipine at night.both give me a good night sleep and helps my anxiety.

09-08-13, 22:01
For me Quetiapine was the thing (added on to Citalopram) that made a huge difference to my anxiety.

09-08-13, 22:25
I have tried all of the ones listed and none did me any good, just made me worse, especially Cipralex.

Have used Dosulepin and Amitriptyline in the past with very moderate success as they are most suited to me, they tend to calm you down, whereas in my experience all of the others make me feel wired, but they never rid the anxiety so now I take nothing. My Doctor decided to give me a month off any AD's and see how I am.

I feel like crap, but hey thats mental health care for you.

Good luck going throught the list of meds they will offer, just hope you find one that suits you quickly :yesyes:

10-08-13, 00:27
Hi i took citalopram for years for my anxiety and it worked a treat but i tapered off thinking i was better and when i relapsed a couple of months later i couldn't reinstate it as it just made me worse, Im now taking venlafaxine but like the others said what works for one doesn't always work for another, the meds you have mentioned are usually first line treatment apart from Seroxet, there's plenty more effective ADs out there too x x

10-08-13, 06:38
More recently I took 3x 50mg of Pregabaline daily for just over a month, a lot of people do really well on that, it turned me into a vile monster, about an hour after my first one in the morning I would start having a go at my other half about stupid little things, past events, anything and everything and I was being really nasty. I knew I was doing it but couldnt stop. My doctor then wanted to put me onto 100mg x3 daily, I said no thanks, god knows what that would have done to me.

I think it takes a while to sort out whats best for you, and what seems a miracle cure for some, severely hinders others, I just do hope you find the right one soon, and I hope I do too, then we can all get better.

14-08-13, 20:26
Thanks everyone for the help, I know that everything works differently on each person I just wondered if there is any in particular that are better for social anxiety, panic etc. I'm just so nervous about taking them I really want to be clued up and make sure that they give me something suitable. I think the Lexapro sounds good but will do some research on the Sertarline too.

14-08-13, 20:59
I think they tend to give Citalopram in the first instance as its the cheapest option but if youre clued up you might be given something else maybe.

14-08-13, 21:05
I think they tend to give Citalopram in the first instance as its the cheapest option but if youre clued up you might be given something else maybe.

Yeah they did give me fluoxetine at first but I never ended up taking them because I was too scared. I looked the other day and they gave me 20mg starting up, I think that's pretty high dosage to start with? Glad I didn't end up taking it, that's why I'm trying to do my research first!

16-08-13, 18:17
nobody here take propranolol, I was given 10mg tabs but have been too worried about side effects ta take them, has anybody had them?