View Full Version : Scared of being on my own

09-08-13, 19:05
I have been suffering with health anxiety mainly surrounding my heart for about 2 years. During this time I have been so scared of being left on my own incase I collapse and I don't get found for hours. Does anyone else have this? I also envision myself collapsing in my head. My life is a constant battle against this. Please help!!

09-08-13, 20:08
Hi Jen

Im a sufferer too i hate being left on my own too its all part of the anxiety it makes you into someone you dont recognize i hate feeling like this too but your not alone in the way you are thinking im sure it will pass,


12-08-13, 14:15
hi jen
I feel like this too,my heart seems to be my main health anxiety worry has been for over 10 years!! im still here to tell the tale,but still I worry about it...the longer times going on tho the more I relise its just anxiety...if my heart wasn't working properly it would of surely showed some signs by now..but I still worry about it! I don't like being alone,my family is going on holiday this Wednesday and the fear of being alone is scaring me already :( I hope you get better soon :) x

13-08-13, 19:13
The docs have given me citalopram but as the cardiologist has referred me for more tests to be 'sure' i can't take it yet! :( i feel like i'm fighting a loosing battle.

I now sit in my local a&e department or outside in my car as a relief in hope someone would find me if i collapse.

It's so hard trying to deal with :( i have now had 12 ecg's, a chest xray, blood tests and a 24 hour ecg. all of which came back fine. surely they couldn't have missed much?!

I'm literally scaring myself to death.

Thank you for your replies.

How have you battled this??


23-08-13, 00:14
I'm battling this too. My heart rate goes up every time I think about it, and I don't know how to calm down. I always feel so nervous that something is going to happen to me; heart failure, stroke etc etc.

I hope we find some peace soon!

23-08-13, 21:58
Yes I had the scared to be alone thing when I started seroxat (a side effect of getting on it). I had to make sure I could phone a friend and get them to come over if I freaked out. I even had to get my boss to stay at work with me! I'm ok about it now though but know how it feels. I ge t paranoid about illnesses like breast cancer and find its triggered when I'm stressed or at special times like Christmas or holidays. It has helped me loads reading a book called calming your anxious mind and using mindfulness methods that teach you about dealing with thoughts of illness, sounds weird and I'm not into alternative stuff but its helped me alot. Think about what is the worst that could happen - you could die, but that is a natural part of life and its gonna happen one day anyway. Take one day at a time and think about now, not the past or future. Listen to sounds around you and be a part of your surroundings - read the books on it, honestly they are brilliant.
Sarah x

23-08-13, 22:14

I suffered from health anxiety since i was a teenager..im now 47. you name it ive worried about it..cancer and hiv to name two. it all came to a head two years ago..marriage over..mum in elderly psychiatric unit..seven stone overweight. i finally went to the dr..she out me on citalopram and i went on a group cbt course..im not sure the pills are the answer but what did it for me was deciding to start running and going to the gym. here i am two years later..seven stone lighter and i ran the london marathon in april. i still have the odd wee mini panic but i seem to be able to control things more..hang on in there..things will get better. Dave x