View Full Version : Hello everyone - would like some opinions. Headache/fears/sinusitus?

09-08-13, 19:52
Hi everyone, I've just joined the forum but have been reading it every night to try and calm myself down. Really helpful at times, thank you all.
I'm a 21 year old student btw.

I have had headaches for 26 days now and been to see several doctors - originally they said it was a tension headache so I followed all advice but it didn't go away. I came home from University for the summer and my HA has just spiralled as I'm alone all day with nothing to do but worry. I've recently noticed ringing in my ears when I go to bed at night and my eyes are very bloodshot and itchy. My temples are quite sore to the touch and it feels like a pressure in my head. Had a thorough eye test and they said there was nothing wrong/no signs of illness showing in my eyes.

I went to the doctor today (thank god) and explained all - she said that she doesn't think it is anything sinister (I am terrified that it is a brain tumour) but that it could be migraines or sinusitis. So she's put me on propranolol in case it is migraine and antibiotics with nasal spray in case it is sinusitis.

Deep down I probably know that it is sinusitis as I have a very stuffy nose at times and my ears pop when I open my mouth etc - I just feel so panicky when I think that it could be something worse. Has anyone else experienced these symptoms and what did it turn out to be?

Oh, also, I had a nosebleed after using the nasal spray - is this normal?

Hope everyone is having a good day and thank you very much for taking the time to read this.

---------- Post added at 19:52 ---------- Previous post was at 19:35 ----------

I feel really tired and have heavy limbs after taking the propranolol - is this normal too?

Thank you!

09-08-13, 19:57
I suffer a lot with sinusitis and your symptoms sound very much the same.

09-08-13, 20:02
Thank you for your reply, Annie - thinking it must be as my headache has already eased since using the nasal spray...

Just feel so tired now after taking the propranolol - must be because I'm not eating much at the minute...hopefully my appetite will return once I accept that it is probably just sinusitis. :unsure:

09-08-13, 20:04
Try to eat little and often until you get your appetite back.

09-08-13, 20:10
Will try that, thanks - just sick of worrying 24/7 and just want to get on with my life again. Hopefully it won't carry on for much longer, this past month has been hell :(

09-08-13, 20:12
It will get better...Have you had cognitive behaviour therapy?

09-08-13, 20:16
No, I haven't suffered with HA or anything for years and years - used to get very worried about things in the past - but since going to uni, I was absolutely fine. Then, when moving out of my flat and back home for the summer, with all the stress etc, it just came back full force. The headaches have undoubtedly been made worse by my anxiety and it has become a vicious circle :(

Really going to just trust that it is most likely sinusitis and after taking the antibiotics/spray for a week, it should be much better. I'm young, otherwise fit and healthy and shouldn't be worried about this, right? (aargh, looking for reassurance again)

Thank you for chatting with me.

09-08-13, 20:18
Do you have one of those microwavable wheat bags? I put one of those on my head and it helps to relieve the pain.

09-08-13, 20:24
Hrm, I'll maybe pick one of those up. I've used tiger balm on my temples a bit, and that seems to relieve a bit of the pain.

My eyes are so itchy and bloodshot at the moment - guessing that's related to the sinuses?

09-08-13, 20:28
The pollen is very high at the moment too with all this warm weather. Sounds like you may have a touch of hay fever?

09-08-13, 20:36
Maybe a touch - my GP said my nose looked very congested inside, as did my ears. I also have swollen glands in my neck...

Are you suffering with sinusitis at the moment, if you don't mind me asking? :)

09-08-13, 20:46
I have it almost constantly, it is worse at the moment with the warm weather.

09-08-13, 20:53
I thought that the weather was something to do with it as this all came on during the heatwave - what a nightmare. The headache has eased somewhat in the last few hours but still getting the odd stabbing pain in my temple/side of my head. Focusing on it and waiting for the pain to begin is obviously going to make it worse.
Have you ever experienced ringing in your ears as a result of sinusitis?

Going to try and not think about it tonight and see how it goes...

09-08-13, 20:57
Yes I have had ringing in my ears. It was a lot worse last year but only slight this year. Kind of strange but the more anxious I get the worse the ringing gets :)

09-08-13, 21:01
That's really reassuring, thanks :) I think that's the same with me too - strange.

Going to go and watch a movie and try and eat a little, to take my mind off it - thank you for chatting and making me feel better. I'll definitely get one of those wheat bags and give that a go too :)

09-08-13, 21:02
Enjoy the movie :)

10-08-13, 00:50
Thanks, hope you have a good night :)

---------- Post added at 23:24 ---------- Previous post was at 21:22 ----------

Really sorry to bother everyone again - but when I went to see the doctor today she said that if the headache got worse when laying down, then it would be something to worry about.

Just lay down to test if it did and it did :( Really panicking now :(

Just wondering if anyone who suffers with sinusitis experiences this when they lay down - like a throbbing in the face and temples... so scared it's something awful :(

---------- Post added at 23:54 ---------- Previous post was at 23:24 ----------

Could someone please reassure me - feeling really down right now :(

---------- Post added 10-08-13 at 00:50 ---------- Previous post was 09-08-13 at 23:54 ----------

Anyone? :(

10-08-13, 11:49
Sorry, I just saw your last post, I guess most people were in bed when you posted it. Mine can be quite bad when lying down so it doesn't always mean it is more serious. My head aches a lot more if I bend forwards. Try the heat bag and also try steam inhalations. You can get menthol crystals from the chemist and just put a couple of crystals in the hot water to inhale. If it gets worse and is still worrying you then I guess you will need to see your doctor again for more reassurance.