View Full Version : Newbie - anxiety is ruining my life

09-08-13, 19:43
Hello all,

I'm Laura and I've been suffering from anxiety since as long as I can remember. For the past sixth months though it's been so severe that I hardly leave the house anymore for fear of humiliation during any kind of social interaction and extreme irrational paranoia that everyone everywhere is judging me (self obsessed much?). I'm sick and tired of feeling like this so I finally dragged myself to see the doctor today and almost broke down in front of him because (surprise surprise) I was so anxious. Anyway I've been prescribed Citalopram and while the huge list of horrendous side effects are enough to scare you to death, I'm so desperate to stop feeling this way that I will gladly try anything. Being scared of nothing all the time is exhausting!

I've decided to join this forum because I'm in great need of some like-minded company. I've got a fantastic husband who couldn't be more supportive but I know that he doesn't quite get it and like many other people, he's sometimes tempted to tell me to just pull myself together and get on with it (how I wish that was possible!!). I'm hoping that with the help of some mutual support, medication and positive thinking I can start to get out there and live life again. That's the plan anyway :)

La x

09-08-13, 20:03
Hi Laura,
This forum is helping me i just joined about a week ago im having a horrible time with anxiety too your not alone i have also been prescribed citalopram on day 5 of it, im sure you will find lots of support on here. My partner is having a hard time coping with me too says he just wants the old me back and cant understand how i have got like this but he is being supportive.

09-08-13, 22:33
Hi Moonspirit and thanks for your post :)

It's really comforting to know that there are people going through the same thing out there - it's nice not to feel so alone. How are you getting on with the Citalopram so far? Any serious side effects? I start on it tomorrow - fingers crossed!
