View Full Version : alone in the house and anxious and sad!

09-08-13, 20:09
basically my family have gone on holiday for a week and left me here (at my request - no desire to go!) but I'm feeling a bit low and lonely and, of course, anxious tonight :/

I know a week isn't a long time and it might be related to pms as well but I'm just feeling a bit miserable :( plus had diarrhoea twice today which I'm assuiming is both anxiety and pms-related. sigh :(

09-08-13, 20:14
Sorry you are having a bad evening. I am often alone as my husband works away. I call my friends for a chat or chat to my NMP friends. I also find playing Mahjong on my laptop is a good distraction. :hugs:

13-08-13, 12:48
Agree with Annie, distraction is good and sometimes just talking with others, this siite is great for that and plenty of articles and information to read too.
I came here looking for info and feeling low etc and was amazed how quickly just reading through and interacting here helped.

14-08-13, 16:46
Hi, just wanted to say I hear you, that can be really tough - I found this site the first time when I was by myself and struggling with panic attacks, my partner and my dog (who was good at cheering me up) were away. There are some great people here and lots of good ideas, it helped me feel less lonely and anxious. Take care.