View Full Version : stupid blood clot worries again!

09-08-13, 21:01
Okay I posted a few weeks ago about my dvt worries, I had a d-dimer test which was negative. I stopped worrying about it after that (moved onto brain tumor but thats a different thread!).

Anyway I was walking today I got a searing pain in the back of my knee which stopped me from walking. The pain is now in my calf, the back of my knee through the front and occasionally in my thigh.

It hurts when i'm resting and walking. I am now completely freaking out about a blood clot. Whats worse is I.have been.having chest pain daily.for a few months which means I'm going to scare myself silly about a PE.

What worries me the most is the doctors wont do anything because I had this worry 2 weeks ago. I'm so scared, I'm crying my eyes out. Cant deal with this anymore

09-08-13, 21:06
Sounds like you pulled a muscle or something. Young, fit and healthy people do not randomly get blood clots.

09-08-13, 21:14
Thanks for the reply. I guess what worries me is that I need to.shift some pound, and being overweight is a risk factor for.blood clots (and nearly every other deadly disease going!).

Plus my mum has a blood clot right now,.which also worries me :(

09-08-13, 21:23
Yes but the very fact that you were walking when it happens makes it really likely that you have just tweaked a muscle. Plus the fact that you are active means you are low risk for a BC anyway.

Risk factors are just that... factors. There will be millions of obese smokers taking birth control pills who spend 12hrs a day sitting and never get a clot.

If the pain is moving about then it is most likely anxiety or 'referred pain' from whatever muscle or ligament you have actually hurt.

09-08-13, 21:54
Ah youre right, I need the willpower to stop googling crap!

09-09-13, 05:08
I've been freaking out about blood clots as well. Specifically, in my left leg. I started having a lot of random pains. At first, I was convinced it was neuro related. Then I was diagnosed with a bicuspid aortic valve, which shifted my anxiety to blood clots, even though they aren't related. I had an ultrasound of my leg, which came back negative. Unfortunately, knowing that those things aren't 100% accurate has kept me from getting any peace of mind. I also have IBS, which can cause very similar symptoms to a heart attack or PE, which just makes everything 10x worse. I've just been miserable with all of this for months. I am currently waiting on getting lumbar MRI results from my neuro. I'm actually hoping he tells me my back is jacked up lol. At least then I'll be more convinced that the pain isn't a blood clot. I'm going tomorrow to discuss being put on anxiety meds. I actually had a panic attack before I could even finish typing this post. I would suggest you see your doc about being put on anxiety meds as well if you are at the point of crying your eyes out. Such extreme anxiety like that and like mine will only make things worse. And definitely stop googling crap. I end up sending myself into a panic attack every time I do.