View Full Version : hurting for no reason

09-08-13, 21:13
does anyone have this issue? Just for no reason you get head pain arm pains or joint pains

09-08-13, 21:59
I wake up every day in unexplained pain. Head, arms, neck, legs, chest you name it it hurts, it's awful.

09-08-13, 22:36
it truly sucks always make you think something is wrong

09-08-13, 23:23
I truly know the feeling. Today my heheadaches were a brain tumor until I had a pain in my leg and now I have a DVT! Every day I worry you're not alone x

10-08-13, 02:09
Thanks I feel better knowing i'm not alone

12-10-17, 19:18
yup your anxiety can do anything......not really but its still sucks. had pains in my legs and left arm.....oh and eyes......anxiety sucks.

bin tenn
13-10-17, 01:48
There's always a cause, and sometimes that cause is nothing more than the fact that you're human and you're alive. I don't know if anxiety can cause random aches and pains, but it can certainly make you notice aches and pains that you otherwise wouldn't notice. It happens, and it's rarely anything more than the body doing what it does.

13-10-17, 11:11
I do as well especially this week . Achy front of leg , hip , arms , wrist , thigh

Pain in one place one minute and then fades then comes back somewhere else .

Burning feeling too

Just trying hard to convince myself it anxiety and not ms or fibromyalgia . These are my new fears this past month
