View Full Version : Sore tender spots on head

09-08-13, 22:16
Been having a bad day with really sore spots on the back of my head near the base of my skull on both sides and one at the top of my head, but the two at the back are worse. Really painful and my ears are a bit blocked. My heart rate has been high (100-120) and my blood pressure pretty low all day. I have a condition that causes that, but it's been worse than normal today.

Anyone gotten these pains? Could they be lymph nodes? My chest and back are very sore too, but I've had a ct scan that was clear. Also had a head ct.

09-08-13, 23:36
Is it the skin? Maybe a medicated shampoo might help with any fungus/dry skin/ bacteria.

Or is it under the skin?

Does it only hurt when you touch it?

10-08-13, 02:58
Thanks for the reply; it's under the skin and there was a little lump on one side that made my ears ring if I pressed on it.

Well the symptoms eventually progressed to every muscle and joint in my body going stiff and sore and a fever. My neck is now sore and hot enough to fry an egg on. I think it was probably just the huge inflammation that gave me the fever; I don't seem to have a flu or anything and I've had episodes like this before since i got sick. Though I was in hospital the other day and there was a guy they were making walk around in a mask near me.

But it's probably lupus or something. Meant to get tested for that. I dunno. I'm assuming meningitis wouldn't make me hurt in my knees so as long as it doesn't kill me in my sleep or anything.

Still icky to be in tachycardia all day though. Normally my heart at least goes down to 80. I remember my second episode I was so freaked out when my heart was going 120-130. Now my heart was going 160 just getting into bed. Fun times.

10-08-13, 17:56
Lymph nodes present with a lump... when you were talking about your face pains, it sounded a lot like temporo-mandibular joint disorder, which a lot of people have and can been annoying but harmless. Almost everyone with TMJ has "tender spots" in the head and neck area that trigger the pain. As for the rest of your symptoms.. I'm at a loss.