View Full Version : Tired muscles

10-08-13, 02:32
my muscles seem to get tried more quick then they should,

sometimes my legs get tried when walking up stairs

sometimes arms get tired when doing stupid things like brushing teeth or something like that

just wondering if this is anything to worry about, please let me know if anyone else has this. I think it is from my anxiety beucase i have pretty bad anxiety.

just a side note, more forearms feel weird sometimes like they are restless almost. they feel like energetic but tired at the same time? i know its weird. So if anyone know anything about any of this lol let me know, its just worrying me a bit. Thanks!!!!

10-08-13, 02:46
I do to and i seem to run out of breath faster then i should
I get tired and everything seems to be more tender I get muscle aches and pains more often and sometimes I get them for no reason

10-08-13, 10:16
Yes, this is exactly how I feel. My legs feel tired, even after a regular fleet of stairs and my forearms are feeling tensed after doing something with my hands.

Something I noticed though - after doing aerobic exercises (cycling, running, etc.) I feel tired and achy in my legs for the first 20 mins or so and then strangely, I feel better for the rest of the session and the day after. Not 100 % , but better.

I guess this is caused by the unconscious tensing of the whole body while anxiety is doing its "magic". I am trying to cope with this right now by doing regular exercises to pump the excess adrenaline out of the muscles.

Hope this would help!