View Full Version : Does it really go away?

10-08-13, 13:41
Hi All
Sorry for keep posting ... my mind is just not letting up and im afraid this has run away with me and i will never get to feel peace from it again, i have had constant anxiety for 2 weeks now and i havent had any time of relief from it i really dont know how much more i can cope with i feel im letting everyone around me down, i should be able to feel some happiness but i dont, my life was just starting to get back on track again, i have m.e and fibromyalgia with degeneration of the spine i was starting to feel better than i had in years and i had such a positive outlook to life and was looking forward how can this have just come from nowhere and now making me like this i went through this 9yrs ago i really thought i would neveer have to be in this place again. Does it really get better?
thanks for reading xx

10-08-13, 22:14
Hi moonspirit,

Glad to hear you were feeling better but not that ur feeling super anxious!
I dont know anything about the complexities of the mind, paired with your afflications but I was postulating that maybe the anxiety is a product of you feeling good.
Youve had such a rough time and are just starting to feel better after so many years that subconciously your mind might be afraid that this good fortune is too good to be true and it is so used to being sad or in pain that this new feeling of wellbeing seems alien, almost as if something is wrong. Deep down your mind may be scared that if you accept this happiness that it will then cruelly be taken away from you in some way or form. The anxiety could be a manifestation of this fear and is a way of not letting you take your guard down and be ultimately hurt more.

My comment is probably a load of rubbish but Ive had anxiety for years and have become so used to feeling crappy that when suddenly things seem to start feeling better, my mind subconciously becomes lost with this weird new feeling of actually feeling ok and seems to become suspicious, as if being led into a trap, and as a protection mechanism it becomes more alert to threats and dangers that may be the evil thing that will burst your happy bubble. This, of course, makes you feel very anxious.

Do you feel like your mind's maybe doing this? Or perhaps yours is completely different to mine and is a result of something else.
Either way, I hope you can find some peace and are eventually able to enjoy your long awaited happiness. :)

10-08-13, 22:35
Yes everything you say makes sense maybe i was just overwhelmed with the fact that i was starting to feel better and i also noticed when i was better, that more was expected of me from family and friends but they also loved the fact that they hadnt seen me look so well in so long it was a breath of fresh air for them so maybe i unconsciously felt pressure and strain to be well ... i dont know my brain just cant make any more sense at the moment i wish i could just switch it off for a couple of day lol but thank you for your reply:D

10-08-13, 22:51
Hey Moonspirit,

I promise it does get better but as Erika has mentioned above it could be your mind searching for the anxiety feeling- like its comfort blanket in a way as that's what you've usually known if that makes sense. I promise that the anxiety cannot and will not last forever. I know it feels so rubbish when you're in the thick of it but it will pass. I use mindfulness and I like an app called calm.com for iPhone. Unfortunately I've just been diagnosed with a health condition I was not expecting myself but my anxiety has flared up again too and it's not been easy but I've tried still using those techniques as mentioned and keep telling myself it has to pass. Wishing you peace and calmness. Xx