View Full Version : Can you get anxiety symptoms subconsciously?

10-08-13, 13:46
I will try and explain :)
What I mean is if you dont feel stressed or anxious about anything can you get random physical symptoms such as chest pain?
For the last couple of days I have been getting random stabbing pains in the centre of my chest, I have been putting this down to anxiety but when I think of it I don't actually feel anxious at all? I am moving house next Friday for the first time (leaving my parents) and the only feelings I have towards it are all normal things sadness leaving home etc so my question is can my mind subconsciously be making me have anxiety symptoms about moving house even though I don't feel anxious.
If that made no sense I apologise! Lol xx

10-08-13, 14:17
Yes you definitely can!

10-08-13, 16:06
From what I have gathered these "pains" we all feel are part of the anxiety. I have them too, my head will hurt so bad unlike a headache feels. Or my arm will hurt and I can't figure out why. Its all because of the anxiety. I dont feel anxious when i get these pains.

Dont worry you are not alone in this!


10-08-13, 18:05
Thank you both for your replies it's something that has been baffling me for a while now and I always wondered whether someone who suffers anxiety no matter if they are in 'control' of it still gets these symptoms randomly and for no apparent reason! :) so thank you both :) xx

10-08-13, 18:42
This is the awful thing about anxiety. We get a symptom that worries us which triggers the anxiety which gives us lots of other symptoms that we worry about - see where its going.
Stress of any kind causes the anxiety causing the symptoms and on we go again even if we don't actually feel anxious.
Just about everyone with health anxiety says if I didn't have any syptoms I would not be anxious!

10-08-13, 19:20
Speaking of subconscious symptoms - I've even given a name for it. I call it "the anxiety echo" or "the echoes of anxiety" :P E.g. i've had really stressful period recently and this caused the ectopics to begin. Now I feel calm and relaxed, but these ectopics are still here from time to time. I got used to it. It'll take a few weeks to fully recover for me. I can't do anything about it. I know I'm safe, nothing bad is happening, but my subconsciousness seems to have a different opinion on this, and I can't help it :(

What i wanted to say is YES, you may feel safe, you may not worry at all, but your subconscious part will live its own life and will give anxiety symptoms.

10-08-13, 20:47
I think so too. I have been having mild, occasional chest pain and it is unsettling me. I also posted a reply earlier saying my palpitations are significantly reduced and I've just had one!! They better not be acting up again. I also feel 'dizzy' lately but am not actually dizzy if that makes sense? Anxiety is 1 horrible thing to deal with.

17-08-13, 14:41
I have had mid chest pain too and it sometimes goes down the arm, neck or back, short of breath then I will feel fine then for no reason I can think of they come back again. Last week I had dizziness, this will go then it is the next thing then that will go on to something else! !They must be subconscious. Frustrating...

17-08-13, 16:06
Our subconscious can be fairly demonic sometimes. Don't let it panic you! :)